cell-type tube

cell-type tube
управляемый разрядник

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cell-type tube" в других словарях:

  • Cell type — A cell type is a distinct morphological or functional form of cell. When a cell switches state from one cell type to another, it undergoes cellular differentiation.AnimalsHumansDifferent cell types react differently to external stimuli. For… …   Wikipedia

  • cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… …   Universalium

  • Type de match de catch — Type de match au catch Cette page recense les différents types de match de catch hors matchs classiques. Les matchs spéciaux sont plus rares que les matchs « classiques » et se déroulent majoritairement lors des pay per view, notamment… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cell — The basic structural and functional unit in people and all living things. Each cell is a small container of chemicals and water wrapped in a membrane. Each cell in the human body there are 100 trillion cells in each of us contains the entire… …   Medical dictionary

  • Type 052C destroyer — The Type 052C destroyer (NATO code name Luyang II class, often referred to as Lanzhou class after the lead ship name) is a class of destroyer built by the People s Republic of China. Two Type 052C (Lanzhou class) air defence missile destroyers… …   Wikipedia

  • Type 053 frigate — Jianghu class (Type 053H) is the NATO code name for several types of frigates, currently in service with the People s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). In the PLAN, the Jianghu class is part of the Type 053 series frigate family. The early variants… …   Wikipedia

  • Type 054 frigate — In late 2002 China began construction of a new frigate, the Type 054 (NATO Codename JIANGKAI I). The first ship was No. 525 Ma anshan, and the first captain of this first ship of the class is Commander Wang Xianzhong (王獻忠). Western analysts… …   Wikipedia

  • Type 212 submarine — The German Type 212 is a highly advanced design of non nuclear submarine (U Boat) developed by Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft AG (HDW) for the German Navy. It features diesel propulsion and an additional air independent propulsion (AIP) system… …   Wikipedia

  • Type de match au catch — Cette page recense les différents types de match de catch hors matchs classiques. Les matchs spéciaux sont plus rares que les matchs « classiques » et se déroulent majoritairement lors des pay per view. Les règles des types de matchs… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cell membrane — Illustration of a Eukaryotic cell membrane The cell membrane or plasma membrane is a biological mem …   Wikipedia

  • Tube — A long hollow cylinder. There are many tube like structures in the human body, such as the auditory tube (Eustachian tube) in the ear. * * * 1. A hollow cylindrical structure or canal. 2. A hollow cylinder or pipe. SYN: tuba [TA]. [L. tubus]… …   Medical dictionary

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