
1) строит. рабочие мостки, рабочая платформа
2) боковые мостки (основания буровой установки)
3) мор. переходный мостик
4) выступ для прохода вдоль кузова (грузового автомобиля)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "catwalk" в других словарях:

  • catwalk — n. 1. a narrow walkway projecting from a stage into the seating area of a theater; it is used, e. g. by models displaying clothes on it at a fashion show. Called also {runway}. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. a narrow walkway high in the air to allow… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • catwalk — 1885, long, narrow footway, from CAT (Cf. cat) + WALK (Cf. walk); in reference to such narrowness of passage one has to cross carefully, as a cat walks. Originally of ships and theatrical back stages. Application to fashion show runways is mid… …   Etymology dictionary

  • catwalk — ► NOUN 1) a narrow walkway or open bridge, especially in an industrial installation. 2) a narrow platform along which models walk to display clothes …   English terms dictionary

  • catwalk — [kat′wôk΄] n. 1. a narrow, elevated walk or platform, as one along the edge of a bridge or over the engine room of a ship 2. a narrow platform extending as from a stage, along which fashion models walk while displaying clothing …   English World dictionary

  • Catwalk — Cat walk Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Cat walk ou catwalk (la marche du chat en anglais) peut faire référence à : débord presque plat qui court le long des flancs ou de la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Catwalk — Cat|walk 〈[ kæ̣twɔ:k] m. 6〉 Laufsteg, auf dem Models neue Kleiderkollektionen vorführen [engl., „Steg, Laufsteg“ <cat „Katze“ + walk „Gang“, weil Katzen elegant u. sicher auf schmalen Stegen laufen können] * * * Cat|walk [ kɛtwɔ:k ], der; s, s …   Universal-Lexikon

  • catwalk — [[t]kæ̱twɔːk[/t]] catwalks 1) N COUNT: usu sing At a fashion show, the catwalk is a narrow platform that models walk along to display clothes. 2) N COUNT A catwalk is a narrow bridge high in the air, for example between two parts of a tall… …   English dictionary

  • catwalk — UK [ˈkætˌwɔːk] / US [ˈkætˌwɔk] noun [countable] Word forms catwalk : singular catwalk plural catwalks 1) a) the raised area at a fashion show that the models walk along b) used for referring to fashion shows and the fashion industry Denim once… …   English dictionary

  • catwalk — {{#}}{{LM C47080}}{{〓}} {{[}}catwalk{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Pasillo estrecho y algo elevado sobre el que desfilan los modelos de ropa: • El catwalk se decoró con motivos playeros para presentar la colección de baño.{{○}}… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • Catwalk — Laufstege über einer Theaterbühne Laufsteg bei einer Modenschau Ein Laufsteg (engl.: catwalk) ist eine Art schmale Brücke mit Geländer, die meistens eingesetzt wird, um hoch liegende Maschinen (zum Beispiel Dampfkessel) oder …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • catwalk — noun Catwalk is used before these nouns: ↑model, ↑show …   Collocations dictionary

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