- cation(ic) charge
заряд катиона
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cation-pi interaction — is a noncovalent molecular interaction between the face of an electron rich pi system (e.g. benzene, ethylene) with an adjacent cation (e.g. Li+, Na+). This unusual interaction is an example of noncovalent bonding between a monopole (cation) and… … Wikipedia
cation — [ katjɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1866; du gr. kata « en bas » et ion ♦ Ion chargé positivement entraîné vers la cathode, dans un électrolyte ou dans un gaz (opposé à anion). ● cation nom masculin Ion qui se porte à la cathode dans l électrolyse d une solution … Encyclopédie Universelle
charge — [ ʃarʒ ] n. f. • XIIe; de charger I ♦ 1 ♦ Ce qui pèse sur; ce que porte ou peut porter une personne, un animal, un véhicule, un bâtiment. ⇒ faix, fardeau, poids. Lourde charge. Ployer sous la charge. « les charges laissées aux femmes par nos… … Encyclopédie Universelle
chargé — charge [ ʃarʒ ] n. f. • XIIe; de charger I ♦ 1 ♦ Ce qui pèse sur; ce que porte ou peut porter une personne, un animal, un véhicule, un bâtiment. ⇒ faix, fardeau, poids. Lourde charge. Ployer sous la charge. « les charges laissées aux femmes par… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cation exchange capacity — In soil science, cation exchange capacity (CEC) is the capacity of a soil for ion exchange of positively charged ions between the soil and the soil solution. (A positively charged ion, which has fewer electrons than protons, is known as a… … Wikipedia
Charge density — The linear, surface, or volume charge density is the amount of electric charge in a line, surface, or volume, respectively. It is measured in coulombs per meter (C/m), square meter (C/m²), or cubic meter (C/m³), respectively, and represented by… … Wikipedia
Cation — In chemistry, a positively charged ion. Pronounced cat I on. A cation is as opposed to an anion, which is a negatively charged ion. * * * An ion carrying a charge of positive electricity, therefore going to the negatively charged cathode. [G.… … Medical dictionary
Cation — Un cation (du grec cata : « en bas » et iôn : « qui va ») est un ion qui, ayant cédé un ou plusieurs électron(s), porte une ou plusieurs charge(s) électrique(s) positive(s) : à l’inverse d’un anion il contient… … Wikipédia en Français
Charge-transfer complex — A charge transfer complex (CT complex) or electron donor acceptor complex is an association of two or more molecules, or of different parts of one very large molecule, in which a fraction of electronic charge is transferred between the molecular… … Wikipedia
Charge transfer complex — A charge transfer complex (or CT complex, electron donor acceptor complex) is a chemical association of two or more molecules, or of different parts of one very large molecule, in which the attraction between the molecules (or parts) is created… … Wikipedia
cation — UK [ˈkætaɪən] / US [ˈkætˌaɪən] noun [countable] Word forms cation : singular cation plural cations physics an ion that has a positive electrical charge … English dictionary