catalytic cracking

catalytic cracking
каталитический крекинг

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "catalytic cracking" в других словарях:

  • catalytic cracking — n. a method used in the petroleum industry for the cracking of petroleum by catalysis …   English World dictionary

  • catalytic cracking — noun : cracking of petroleum oils (as gas oils or diesel oils) especially for the production of high octane gasoline in the presence of a catalyst (as clay) in various forms (as pellets or beads either stationary in a fixed bed or moving through… …   Useful english dictionary

  • catalytic cracking — The refining process of breaking down the larger, heavier, and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules. Catalytic cracking is accomplished by the use of a catalytic agent and is an effective process for increasing… …   Petroleum refining glossary

  • Catalytic cracking —   The refining process of breaking down the larger, heavier, and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules. Catalytic cracking is accomplished by the use of a catalytic agent and is an effective process for increasing… …   Energy terms

  • catalytic cracking — the reduction of the molecular weight of hydrocarbons by a catalyst, accomplished in a petroleum refinery by a type of chemical reactor (catalytic cracker). Cf. cracker (def. 8), cracking (def. 1). * * * …   Universalium

  • catalytic cracking — /ˌkætəlɪtɪk ˈkrækɪŋ/ (say .katuhlitik kraking) noun Chemistry the cracking of mineral oils of high boiling point by use of a catalyst …  

  • catalytic cracking — cat′alyt′ic crack′ing n. chem. the reduction of the molecular weight of hydrocarbons by a catalyst, accomplished in a petroleum refinery by a type of chemical reactor(cat′alyt′ic crack′er) …   From formal English to slang

  • Fluid catalytic cracking — (FCC) is the most important conversion process used in petroleum refineries. It is widely used to convert the high boiling hydrocarbon fractions of petroleum crude oils to more valuable gasoline, olefinic gases and other products.cite book|author …   Wikipedia

  • Fluid catalytic cracking —   The refining process of breaking down the larger, heavier, and more complex hydrocarbon molecules into simpler and lighter molecules. Catalytic cracking is accomplished by the use of a catalytic agent and is an effective process for increasing… …   Energy terms

  • Fluid catalytic cracking — (FCC) ist der wichtigste Stoffumwandlungsprozess in einer Erdölraffinerie. Dieses Verfahren findet breite Anwendung zur Umwandlung schwerer Erdölfraktionen in wertvolleres Benzin, olefinische Stoffe und andere Produkte. Als Crackverfahren von… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Fluid Catalytic Cracking — (FCC, engl.) ist der bedeutendste Stoffumwandlungsprozess in der erdölverarbeitenden Industrie. Dieses Verfahren findet breite Anwendung zur Umsetzung schwerer Erdölfraktionen in wertvolle Olefine (Ethen, Propen, Buten), Catcracker Benzin, Gasöl… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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