cat eye

cat eye
1) сучок (диаметром менее 13 мм)
2) "кошачий глаз" (удлинённый пузырь с внутренним включением в стеклоизделии)
3) мн. ч. нерастворённые частицы каучука (в резиновом клее)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cat eye" в других словарях:

  • cat eye — cat eye, a highly sensitive television system for viewing objects in the dark, used especially in navigation and photographing stars and planets …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cat eye syndrome — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 29864 ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = 115470 MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = Cat Eye Syndrome is a very rare malformation involving Chromosome 22. The short arm (p) and a …   Wikipedia

  • Cat eye syndrome — A constitutional chromosome abnormality (one that is present at or before birth) with multiple malformations characterized by the combination of a cat like slit of the iris of the eye (vertical coloboma) and no anal opening (anal atresia).… …   Medical dictionary

  • Cat-Eye-Syndrom — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (Literatur, Webseiten oder Einzelnachweisen) versehen. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst gelöscht. Hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Cat eye glasses — Cateye glasses are a form of eyewear mainly for women. They are thick rimmed glasses with the arms of the glasses joining the lenses at the very top corners. They were mainly popular in the 1950s and 60 s among fashionable women and are expected… …   Wikipedia

  • cat-eye syndrome — an association of coloboma of the iris and anal atresia; there may also be many other anomalies, including preauricular skin tags or fistulas, hypertelorism, congenital heart disease, skeletal abnormalities, and renal malformations. It is… …   Medical dictionary

  • cat's eye syndrome — cat eye s …   Medical dictionary

  • Cat's Eye — can refer to: * The visual organ of a cat * Chatoyancy, the reflective property of certain gems * Turbo smaragdus , a sea snail endemic to New Zealand * The operculum of certain Turbo species, which are sometimes used as an inexpensive gemstones… …   Wikipedia

  • Cat behavior — is how cats interact with other cats, other animals, and their environment. The cat is one of the most vocal and expressive mammals. Its attitude towards other cats can be affectionate, aggressive, shy, and so on. Other animals often cue an… …   Wikipedia

  • Cat's Eye Nebula — Composite image using optical images from the HST and X ray data from the Chandra X ray Observatory Observation data …   Wikipedia

  • Cat senses — are adaptations that allow cats to be highly efficient predators. Cats have acute sight, hearing and smell, and their sense of touch is enhanced by long whiskers that protrude from their heads and bodies. These senses allow cats to hunt… …   Wikipedia

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