casting slip

casting slip
шликер для литья

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "casting slip" в других словарях:

  • casting slip — noun pottery : a slurry of clay and additives mixed to a creamy consistency in water with deflocculating agents and ready to pour into a plaster mold …   Useful english dictionary

  • slip — slip1 [slip] vi. slipped, slipping [ME slippen < MLowG, akin to OHG slifan < IE * (s)leib , to glide, slip < base * (s)lei , slimy: see SLIDE] 1. to go quietly or secretly; move without attracting notice [to slip out of a room] 2. a) to… …   English World dictionary

  • Slip-stitch knitting — is a family of knitting techniques that use slip stitches to make multiple fabrics simultaneously, to make extra long stitches, and/or to carry over colors from an earlier row. Contents 1 Basic methods 2 Double knitting with slip stitches 3… …   Wikipedia

  • Casting on (knitting) — In knitting, casting on is a family of techniques for adding new stitches that do not depend on earlier stitches, i.e., stitches having an independent lower edge. In principle, casting on is the opposite of binding off, but the techniques… …   Wikipedia

  • slip — 1. v. & n. v. (slipped, slipping) 1 intr. slide unintentionally esp. for a short distance; lose one s footing or balance or place by unintended sliding. 2 intr. go or move with a sliding motion (as the door closes the catch slips into place;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • slip casting —    Slush casting by pouring slip into a plaster mold, and then leaving it until a thick skin forms inside the mold. The excess slip is poured out and the hollow cast left to harden. It was introduced into many European porcelain factories in the… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • slip — I. verb (slipped; slipping) Etymology: Middle English slippen, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German; akin to Middle High German slipfen to slide, Old High German slīfan to smooth, and perhaps to Greek olibros slippery Date: 14th century… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Slip (ceramics) — Phenician plate with red slip, 7th century BCE, excavated in Mogador island, Essaouira. Sidi Mohammed ben Abdallah Museum …   Wikipedia

  • slip —    1. to give premature birth to    Usually of domestic animals:     Cows slipped their calves, horses fell lame. (R. Hunt, 1865)    but not for the great diarist:     Fraizer is so great with my Lady Castlemain and Steward and all the ladies at… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • Slip melting point — The Slip melting point (SMP) or slip point is one conventional definition of the melting point of a waxy solid. It is determined by casting a 10 mm column of the solid in a glass tube with an internal diameter of about 1 mm and a length of about… …   Wikipedia

  • slip —    An opaque, creamy liquid made by mixing finely ground clay with water. Slip is an inevitable byproduct of working on a potter s wheel, its name having resulted from potters use of water to keep the spinning clay slippery as it s worked. It is… …   Glossary of Art Terms

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