- cast film
плёнка, отлитая из раствора
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Cast Film — Cast Film Каст филм Плёнка, формируемая поливом из раствора … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Cast film — Плёнка, формируемая поливом из раствора … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Film budgeting — refers to the process by which a line producer, unit production manager or filmmaker prepares a budget for a film production. This document, which could be over 150 pages long, is used to secure financing for the film and lead to pre production… … Wikipedia
Film finance — is a very secretive and little understood aspect of film production. It is a subset of project finance, meaning the film project s generated cash flows are used to repay investors, and generally not from external sources.The main challenge of… … Wikipedia
Cast (homonymie) — Cast Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Cast est un nom propre ou un nom commun d orgine anglaise ou un acronyme qui peut désigner : Sommaire 1 Saint chrétien 2 … Wikipédia en Français
cast — ► VERB (past and past part. cast) 1) throw forcefully or so as to spread over an area. 2) cause (light or shadow) to appear on a surface. 3) direct (one s eyes or thoughts) towards something. 4) express: journalists cast doubt on this account. 5) … English terms dictionary
Film in Kansas City — possesses a rich heritage and a large film community. The Kansas City Metropolitan Area has often been a locale for Hollywood productions and television programming.Film heritageThe focus on filmmaking in the Kansas City area more or less began… … Wikipedia
Cast — 〈[ka:st] n. 15; kurz für〉 Casting * * * Cast [dt. »umwandeln«], Umwandlung eines Datentyps in einen anderen (Datentyptransformation). Manche Programmiersprachen (z. B. C) stellen dazu einen eigenen Befehl, den sog. Cast Operator, zur Verfügung … Universal-Lexikon
cast — [kast, käst] vt. cast, casting [ME casten < ON kasta, to throw] 1. a) to put, deposit, or throw with force or violence; fling; hurl b) to give vent to as if by throwing [to cast aspersions] 2. to deposit (a ballot); register (a vote) … English World dictionary
cast — noun, caste 1. The noun cast is derived from the verb and has a number of special meanings, including the actors of a play or film, an object made in metal, and its use as in a person of a moral cast, plus a host of curious technical meanings… … Modern English usage
Film and television financing in Australia — Film and TV financing in Australia over the past 30 years has involved a mixture of government support, distributor/ broadcaster involvement and private investment. To a significant extent, government policies have shaped the form and scale of… … Wikipedia