- casserole
(химическая) чашка; тигель с ручкой и носиком
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
casserole — [ kasrɔl ] n. f. • 1583; de 1. casse 1 ♦ Ustensile de cuisine servant à la cuisson, de forme cylindrique, à manche. ⇒ braisière, sauteuse; caquelon, poêlon. Casserole en aluminium, en cuivre. Casserole émaillée. Queue d une casserole. Casserole… … Encyclopédie Universelle
casserole — CASSEROLE. s. f. Espèce d ustensile de cuisine, dont on se sert à divers usages. Casserole de cuivre. Casserole de terre cuite … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
casserole — 1706, from Fr. casserole sauce pan (16c.), dim. of M.Fr. casse pan (14c.), from Prov. cassa melting pan, from M.L. cattia pan, vessel, possibly from Gk. kyathion, dim. of kyathos cup for the wine bowl. Originally the pan, since 1958 also the… … Etymology dictionary
casserole — ► NOUN 1) a large dish with a lid, used for cooking food slowly in an oven. 2) a kind of stew cooked slowly in an oven. ► VERB ▪ cook slowly in a casserole. ORIGIN French, from Greek kuathion little cup … English terms dictionary
Casserole — Cas se*role . [F. a saucepan, dim. from casse a basin.] 1. (Chem.) A small round dish with a handle, usually of porcelain. [1913 Webster] 2. (Cookery) A mold (in the shape of a hollow vessel or incasement) of boiled rice, mashed potato or paste,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Casserole — Casserole, s. Kasserolle … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
casserole — [n] dish consisting of a combination of cooked food covered dish, goulash, hash, meat pie, pot pie, pottage, stew, stroganoff; concept 457 … New thesaurus
casserole — CASSEROLE. s. f. Espece d utensile de cuisine, qui sert à faire boüillir du poisson, ou autre sorte de mets … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
casserole — [kas′ə rōl΄] n. [Fr, dim. of casse, bowl, basin < Prov cassa, melting pan < VL cattia < Gr kyathion, dim. of kyathos, bowl, cup] 1. an earthenware or glass baking dish, usually with a cover, in which food can be cooked and then served 2 … English World dictionary
Casserole — A casserole, from the French for saucepan, [ Online Etymology Dictionary , Entry: [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/casserole Casserole] , retrieved October 10, 2007, from [http://dictionary.reference.com Dictionary.com] ] is a large, deep… … Wikipedia
casserole — nf. ; fig., tête vide, sans cervelle, écervelé : KAS(se)RÔLA (Albanais.001, Saxel.002 | Magland), kassèrola (Montagny Bozel.026b, Thuile), kassèroula (26a, Attignat Oncin, Feissons). A1) petite casserole : kassoton nm. (002), kafyèlon… … Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard