casing sewing

casing sewing
пищ. сшивание кишок

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "casing sewing" в других словарях:

  • Sewing machine — Elias Howe s lockstitch machine, invented 1845 A sewing machine is a textile machine used to stitch fabric, cards and other material together with thread. Sewing machines were invented during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount …   Wikipedia

  • sewing — Synonyms and related words: Smyth sewing, applique, backing, baste, bibliopegy, bind, binder board, binding, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding, bookcase, buttonhole, case, casemaking, casing in, collating, collating mark, cover,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • casing — /kay sing/, n. 1. a case or covering; housing. 2. material for a case or covering. 3. the framework around a door or window. 4. the outermost covering of an automobile tire. 5. any frame or framework. 6. a steel pipe or tubing, esp. as used in… …   Universalium

  • casing — /ˈkeɪsɪŋ / (say kaysing) noun 1. a case or covering. 2. material for a case or covering. 3. the framework around a door, window or staircase, etc. 4. Sewing a strip of material sewn onto a garment as a housing for elastic, a drawstring, etc. 5.… …  

  • case — Synonyms and related words: Bible truth, Smyth sewing, abessive, ablative, absolute fact, accepted fact, accusative, action, actual fact, adessive, admitted fact, afghan, alien, allative, ammunition box, anyhow, anyway, apoplectic, approximative …   Moby Thesaurus

  • backing — Synonyms and related words: Brownian movement, Smyth sewing, abetment, about face, about turn, advance, advocacy, advocate, advocating, aegis, affirmation, aid, alpenstock, angular motion, approval, approving, arm, ascending, ascent, assistance,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • binding — Synonyms and related words: Smyth sewing, absolute, adhesive, affixation, annexation, attachment, authoritative, backing, bandage, bandaging, beading, bibliopegy, binder, binder board, bond, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookbinding,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bookbinding — Synonyms and related words: Smyth sewing, backing, bibliopegy, binder board, binding, book cloth, book cover, book jacket, bookcase, case, casemaking, casing in, collating, collating mark, cover, dust cover, dust jacket, folding, footband,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • bookcase — Synonyms and related words: Smyth sewing, archives, armory, arsenal, attic, backing, bank, basement, bay, bibliopegy, bin, binder board, binding, bonded warehouse, book cloth, book cover, book end, book jacket, book support, book table, book tray …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cover — Synonyms and related words: American plan, European plan, Smyth sewing, a la carte, abri, account for, accouple, accumulate, act, admit, afghan, agglutinate, air cover, air raid, air support, air raid shelter, alibi, altar carpet, altar cloth,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • gathering — Synonyms and related words: Smyth sewing, abscess, accumulation, acervation, affair, agglomerate, agglomeration, agglutination, aggregate, aggregation, amassment, aposteme, apotheosis, article, articulation, ascension, assemblage, assemblee,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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