
1) патрон; контейнер
2) втулка; гильза; стакан
3) головка (звукоснимателя)
4) кассета; компакт-кассета
5) ампула (с лекарством)
6) картононавивной футляр с металлическим дном и крышкой
7) баллончик (для авторучки)
to prime cartridge — изготавливать патрон-боевик
assembled cartridge
blank filter cartridge
blasting cartridge
bogie cartridge
box-like cartridge
box cartridge
capacitor cartridge
ceramic cartridge
cutting tool cartridge
data cartridge
detonating cartridge
disk cartridge
endless-roll film cartridge
explosive cartridge
extraction cartridge
filter cartridge
flipover cartridge
hydraulic cartridge
ink cartridge
insert cartridge
lapping cartridge
liquid oxygen-sawdust cartridge
magnetic cartridge
microbore tooling cartridge
nib cartridge
paper cartridge
pickup cartridge
polyfilm cartridge
primed blasting cartridge
refill cartridge
ribbon cartridge
silver recovery cartridge
single-reel cartridge
specimen cartridge
stemming cartridge
strainer cartridge
tape cartridge
turbocharger cartridge
turnover cartridge
vane pump cartridge
wafer cartridge
water cartridge

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cartridge" в других словарях:

  • Cartridge — Car tridge (k[aum]r tr[i^]j), n. [Formerly cartrage, corrupted fr. F. cartouche. See {Cartouch}.] (Mil.) A complete charge for a firearm, contained in, or held together by, a case, capsule, or shell of metal, pasteboard, or other material. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cartridge — can refer to: *Cartridge (electronics), a module to be inserted into a larger piece of equipment *4 track cartridge, an analogue music storage format popular from the late 1950s to the early 1970s *8 track cartridge, an analogue music storage… …   Wikipedia

  • Cartridge — bezeichnet: Steckmodul, ein in elektronische Geräte einsetzbares Bauteil mit festem Gehäuse oder nur das Gehäuse selbst Modul (Computerspiele), häufige Einsatzform im Endkonsumentenbereich 8 Spur Kassette, eine Audiocassette mit nur einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cartridge — [kär′trij] n. [altered < CARTOUCHE] 1. a cylindrical case of cardboard, metal, etc. containing the charge and primer, and usually the projectile, for a firearm 2. any of various small containers, holding a supply of material for a larger… …   English World dictionary

  • cartridge — 1570s, cartage, corruption of Fr. cartouche a full charge for a pistol (16c.), from It. cartoccio roll of paper, an augmentive form of M.L. carta paper (see CARD (Cf. card) (n.)). The notion is of a roll of paper containing a charge for a firearm …   Etymology dictionary

  • cartridge — (izg. kȇrtridž) m DEFINICIJA inform. kaseta koja predstavlja dodatni modul, utiče se u neki sklop (tinta za pisač, igra na konzolama i sl.) ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • cartridge — ► NOUN 1) a container holding a spool of film, a quantity of ink, or other item or substance, designed for insertion into a mechanism. 2) a casing containing a charge and a bullet or shot for small arms or an explosive charge for blasting. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • cartridge — /kahr trij/, n. 1. Also called cartouche. a cylindrical case of pasteboard, metal, or the like, for holding a complete charge of powder, and often also the bullet or the shot for a rifle, machine gun, or other small arm. 2. a case containing any… …   Universalium

  • Cartridge — I Cartridge   [englisch, kɑːtrɪdʒ; wörtlich »Patrone«], 1) steckbares Modul zur externen Datenspeicherung für digitale elektronische Geräte wie Computer, Synthesizer, Drum Computer oder Sequenzer. Es handelt sich um komfortable schnelle… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • cartridge — Synonyms and related words: Gramophone, PA, PA system, Victrola, audio sound system, audiophile, backing, ball cartridge, bibliofilm, binaural system, bipack, bitch box, black and white film, blank cartridge, bullhorn, cartouche, cassette,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cartridge — car|tridge [ˈka:trıdʒ US ˈka:r ] n [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: cartage cartridge (16 17 centuries), from French cartouche gun cartridge with a paper case , from Italian cartoccio, from carta; CARD1] 1.) a small container or piece of equipment that… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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