Cartesian vector

Cartesian vector
базисный вектор

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Cartesian vector" в других словарях:

  • Cartesian product — Cartesian square redirects here. For Cartesian squares in category theory, see Cartesian square (category theory). In mathematics, a Cartesian product (or product set) is a construction to build a new set out of a number of given sets. Each… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector decomposition — refers to decomposing a vector of Rn into several vectors, each linearly independent (in mutually distinct directions in the n dimensional space). Vector decomposition in two dimensions In two dimensions, a vector can be decomposed in many ways.… …   Wikipedia

  • Cartesian coordinate system — Illustration of a Cartesian coordinate plane. Four points are marked and labeled with their coordinates: (2, 3) in green, (−3, 1) in red, (−1.5, −2.5) in blue, and the origin (0, 0) in purple. A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point… …   Wikipedia

  • Cartesian closed category — In category theory, a category is cartesian closed if, roughly speaking, any morphism defined on a product of two objects can be naturally identified with a morphism defined on one of the factors. These categories are particularly important in… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector fields in cylindrical and spherical coordinates — Cylindrical coordinate system = Vector fields Vectors are defined in cylindrical coordinates by (ρ,φ,z), where * ρ is the length of the vector projected onto the X Y plane, * φ is the angle of the projected vector with the positive X axis (0 ≤ φ… …   Wikipedia

  • vector analysis — the branch of calculus that deals with vectors and processes involving vectors. * * * ▪ mathematics Introduction       a branch of mathematics that deals with quantities that have both magnitude and direction. Some physical and geometric… …   Universalium

  • Cartesian coordinates — Coordinate Co*[ o]r di*nate, n. 1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance. [1913 Webster] It has neither co[ o]rdinate nor analogon; it is absolutely one. Coleridge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cartesian coordinates — Coordinate Co*[ o]r di*nate, n. 1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance. [1913 Webster] It has neither co[ o]rdinate nor analogon; it is absolutely one. Coleridge.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vector bundle — The Möbius strip is a line bundle over the 1 sphere S1. Locally around every point in S1, it looks like U × R, but the total bundle is different from S1 × R (which is a cylinder instead). In mathematics, a vector bundle is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector Field Histogram — In robotics, Vector Field Histogram (VFH) is a real time motion planning algorithm proposed by Johann Borenstein and Yoram Koren in 1991.cite journal author = Borenstein, J. coauthors = Koren, Y. year = 1991 title = The vector field histogram… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector space — This article is about linear (vector) spaces. For the structure in incidence geometry, see Linear space (geometry). Vector addition and scalar multiplication: a vector v (blue) is added to another vector w (red, upper illustration). Below, w is… …   Wikipedia

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