adjacent vertex
Смотреть что такое "adjacent vertex" в других словарях:
adjacent angles — n. two angles having the same vertex and a side in common … English World dictionary
Vertex (graph theory) — For other uses, see Vertex (disambiguation). A graph with 6 vertices and 7 edges where the vertex number 6 on the far left is a leaf vertex or a pendant vertex In graph theory, a vertex (plural vertices) or node is the fundamental unit out of… … Wikipedia
Vertex model — A vertex model is a type of statistical mechanics model in which the Boltzmann weights are associated with a vertex in the model (representing an atom or particle). This contrasts with a nearest neighbour model, such as the Ising model, in which… … Wikipedia
Vertex figure — In geometry a vertex figure is, broadly speaking, the figure exposed when a corner of a polyhedron or polytope is sliced off. Definitions theme and variationsTake some vertex of a polyhedron. Mark a point somewhere along each connected edge. Draw … Wikipedia
adjacent angles — Geom. two angles having the same vertex and having a common side between them. * * * adjacent angles plural noun (geometry) A pair of angles that have the same vertex and one side in common • • • Main Entry: ↑adjacent * * * adjacent angles UK US… … Useful english dictionary
Adjacent angle — File:Adjacent angles.svg In the illustration, angles A and B are adjacent. In geometry, adjacent angles, often shortened as adj. ∠s, are angles that have a common ray coming out of the vertex going between two other rays. In other words, they are … Wikipedia
adjacent — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French or Latin; Anglo French, ajesaunt, from Latin adjacent , adjacens, present participle of adjacēre to lie near, from ad + jacēre to lie; akin to Latin jacere to throw more at jet Date: 15th… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Adjacent — Angle An gle ([a^][ng] g l), n. [F. angle, L. angulus angle, corner; akin to uncus hook, Gr. agky los bent, crooked, angular, a gkos a bend or hollow, AS. angel hook, fish hook, G. angel, and F. anchor.] 1. The inclosed space near the point where … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjacent angles — Geom. two angles having the same vertex and having a common side between them. * * * … Universalium
adjacent angle — either of two angles having a common side and a common vertex … English contemporary dictionary
adjacent angles — adja′cent an′gles n. pl. math. two angles having the same vertex and having a common side between them … From formal English to slang