adjacency matrix

adjacency matrix
матрица смежности

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "adjacency matrix" в других словарях:

  • Adjacency matrix — In mathematics and computer science, an adjacency matrix is a means of representing which vertices (or nodes) of a graph are adjacent to which other vertices. Another matrix representation for a graph is the incidence matrix. Specifically, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Seidel adjacency matrix — In mathematics, in graph theory, the Seidel adjacency matrix of a simple graph G (also called the Seidel matrix and the original name the (−1,1,0) adjacency matrix) is the symmetric matrix with a row and column for each vertex, having 0 on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix theory — is a branch of mathematics which focuses on the study of matrices. Initially a sub branch of linear algebra, it has grown to cover subjects related to graph theory, algebra, combinatorics, and statistics as well.HistoryThe term matrix was first… …   Wikipedia

  • Adjacency list — In graph theory, an adjacency list is the representation of all edges or arcs in a graph as a list.If the graph is undirected, every entry is a set of two nodes containing the two ends of the corresponding edge; if it is directed, every entry is… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix (mathematics) — Specific elements of a matrix are often denoted by a variable with two subscripts. For instance, a2,1 represents the element at the second row and first column of a matrix A. In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices, or less commonly matrixes)… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix addition — In mathematics, matrix addition is the operation of adding two matrices by adding the corresponding entries together. However, there are other operations which could also be considered as a kind of addition for matrices, the direct sum and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Distance matrix — In mathematics, computer science and graph theory, a distance matrix is a matrix (two dimensional array) containing the distances, taken pairwise, of a set of points. This matrix will have a size of N×N where N is the number of points, nodes or… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical matrix — A logical matrix, binary matrix, relation matrix, Boolean matrix, or (0,1) matrix is a matrix with entries from the Boolean domain B = {0, 1}. Such a matrix can be used to represent a binary relation between a pair of finite sets. Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Incidence matrix — In mathematics, an incidence matrix is a matrix that shows the relationship between two classes of objects. If the first class is X and the second is Y, the matrix has one row for each element of X and one column for each element of Y. The entry… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary matrix — In mathematics, particularly matrix theory, a binary matrix or (0,1) matrix is a matrix in which each entry is either zero or one. For example::egin{pmatrix}0 11 0end{pmatrix} is a 2 × 2 binary matrix.Frequently operations on binary matrices are …   Wikipedia

  • Laplacian matrix — In the mathematical field of graph theory the Laplacian matrix, sometimes called admittance matrix or Kirchhoff matrix, is a matrix representation of a graph. Together with Kirchhoff s theorem it can be used to calculate the number of spanning… …   Wikipedia

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