Carnot efficiency

Carnot efficiency
кпд цикла Карно

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "Carnot efficiency" в других словарях:

  • Carnot cycle — The Carnot cycle is a particular thermodynamic cycle, modeled on the hypothetical Carnot heat engine, proposed by Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot in 1824 and expanded upon by Benoit Paul Émile Clapeyron in the 1830s and 40s. Every thermodynamic… …   Wikipedia

  • Carnot heat engine — A Carnot heat engine [In French, Carnot uses machine à feu , which Thurston translates as heat engine or steam engine . In a footnote, Carnot distinguishes the steam engine ( machine à vapeur ) from the heat engine in general. (Carnot, 1824, p. 5 …   Wikipedia

  • Carnot's theorem (thermodynamics) — Carnot s theorem, also called Carnot s rule is a principle which sets a limit on the maximum amount of efficiency any possible engine can obtain, which thus solely depends on the difference between the hot and cold temperature reservoirs. Carnot… …   Wikipedia

  • Carnot, Sadi — ▪ French engineer and physicist in full  Nicolas léonard sadi Carnot  born June 1, 1796, Paris, Fr. died Aug. 24, 1832, Paris       French scientist who described the Carnot cycle, relating to the theory of heat engines.       Carnot was the… …   Universalium

  • Carnot cycle — Thermodynam. an ideal cycle of reversible engine operations in which a substance at one temperature is compressed adiabatically to a second temperature, expanded isothermally at the second temperature, expanded adiabatically from the second… …   Universalium

  • Carnot cycle — noun a cycle (of expansion and compression) of an idealized reversible heat engine that does work without loss of heat • Syn: ↑Carnot s ideal cycle • Hypernyms: ↑cycle, ↑oscillation * * * Thermodynam. an ideal cycle of reversible engine… …   Useful english dictionary

  • carnot engine — noun Usage: usually capitalized C : an ideal reversible heat engine especially as postulated in the statement of Carnot s principle of engine efficiency * * * Thermodynam. an engine using a Carnot cycle of operations. * * * Carnot engine, a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • carnot's theorem — noun or carnot s principle Usage: usually capitalized C Etymology: translation of French principe de Carnot, after N.L.S. Carnot, its formulator : a principle in thermodynamics: an engine working in a reversible cycle is at least as efficient as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Carnot , Nicolas Leonard Sadi — (1796–1832) French physicist Carnot came from a distinguished Parisian political family; his father, Lazare, was a leading politician under Napoleon Bonaparte. He studied at the Ecole Polytechnique, from which he graduated in 1814. For the next… …   Scientists

  • Carnot, (Nicolas-Léonard-) Sadi — born June 1, 1796, Paris, France died Aug. 24, 1832, Paris French scientist, known for describing the Carnot cycle. Son of Lazare Carnot, he was an army officer most of his life. Convinced that Britain s advanced steam engines and France s… …   Universalium

  • Carnot cycle — /ˈkanoʊ saɪkəl/ (say kahnoh suykuhl) noun Physics an ideal reversible cycle of operations for the working substance of a heat engine which gives the maximum obtainable efficiency for an engine working between two temperatures. {named after… …  

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