- card-punch machine
карточный перфоратор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
card punch — noun Etymology: card (III) : a machine or hand tool that punches coded information onto cards compare punch card * * * card punch, a mechanism which transfers data by means of a punched code, to be read by a computer: »Card punch puts the payroll … Useful english dictionary
card punch — noun A machine that punches holes in a punch card … Wiktionary
card — card1 [kärd] n. [ME carde < OFr carte < ML carta, card, paper < L charta, leaf of paper, tablet < Gr chartēs, layer of papyrus; prob. < Egypt] 1. a flat, stiff piece of thick paper or thin pasteboard, usually rectangular, as a) any … English World dictionary
Machine-readable dictionary — ( MRD ) is a dictionary stored as machine (computer) data instead of being printed on paper. It is an electronic dictionary and lexical database.A machine readable dictionary is a dictionary in an electronic form that can be loaded in a database… … Wikipedia
punch card — ☆ punch card n. a card with holes positioned in it for interpretation by an automatic data processing machine or for quick mechanical selection … English World dictionary
punch the clock — US ► WORKPLACE to record the time that you begin and end work, especially by using a special machine to make a hole in a card: »Workers are required to punch the clock at an increasingly early hour. Main Entry: ↑punch … Financial and business terms
punch — 1 verb (T) 1 to hit someone or something hard with your fist (=closed hand): punch sb in/on sth: Gallacher swung round and punched me hard in the stomach. | punch sb/sth: I punched the wall in anger. | punch the air (=to make a movement like a… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
punch — punch1 S3 [pʌntʃ] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(hit)¦ 2¦(make holes)¦ 3¦(push buttons)¦ 4 punch holes in somebody s argument/idea/plans etc 5 punch the air 6 punch somebody s lights out 7 punch the clock 8¦(cattle)¦ Phrasal verbs … Dictionary of contemporary English
punch — punch1 [ pʌntʃ ] verb transitive * 1. ) to hit someone or something with your FIST (=closed hand), usually as hard as you can: Two men punched him, knocking him to the ground. She punched her pillow angrily. a ) to press a button or switch: David … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Punch (tool) — For punches used in punch presses, see Punching. A punch is a hard metal rod with a shaped tip at one end and a blunt butt end at the other, which is usually struck by a hammer. Punches are used to drive objects, such as nails, or to form an… … Wikipedia
punch — ▪ I. punch punch 1 [pʌntʆ] verb [transitive] to make a hole in something, for example a card that shows what time you arrived at work or left work: • Any employee forgetting to punch his card must report it to his supervisor as soon as possible… … Financial and business terms