- caraway oil
тминное масло
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
caraway oil — n an essential oil obtained from caraway seeds and used in pharmaceuticals and as a flavoring agent in foods and liqueurs * * * [NF] a volatile oil distilled from the dried ripe fruit of Carum carvi, yielding at least 50 per cent by volume of… … Medical dictionary
caraway oil — kmynų aliejus statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Eterinis aliejus, gaunamas iš paprastųjų kmynų (Carum carvi) sėklų. atitikmenys: angl. caraway oil rus. тминное масло … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
caraway oil — noun : an essential oil obtained from caraway seeds and used in pharmaceuticals and as a flavoring agent in foods and liqueurs … Useful english dictionary
caraway — car·a·way kar ə .wā n 1) a biennial usu. white flowered aromatic herb (Carum carvi) of the carrot family (Umbelliferae) with pungent fruits 2) the fruit of caraway that is used in cookery and confectionery and is the source of caraway oil called… … Medical dictionary
caraway — тминный caraway oil тминное масло caraway comfit тминное драже … English-Russian travelling dictionary
Caraway — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked): Ang … Wikipedia
caraway — /kar euh way /, n. 1. a plant, Carum carvi, of the parsley family, native to Europe, having finely divided leaves and umbels of white or pinkish flowers. 2. Also called caraway seed. the aromatic seedlike fruit of this plant, used in cooking and… … Universalium
caraway — [ karəweɪ] noun 1》 the seeds of a plant of the parsley family, used for flavouring and as a source of oil. 2》 the white flowered Mediterranean plant which bears caraway seeds. [Carum carvi.] Origin ME: from med. L. carui, from Arab. alkarāwiyā,… … English new terms dictionary
caraway — n. an umbelliferous plant, Carum carvi, bearing clusters of tiny white flowers. Phrases and idioms: caraway seed its fruit used as flavouring and as a source of oil. Etymology: prob. OSp. alcarahueya f. Arab. alkarawiya, perh. f. Gk karon, kareon … Useful english dictionary
Lucas Oil Raceway at Indianapolis — Location Pike Township, Marion County, at 10267 East U.S. Highway 136, Clermont, Indiana, 46234 Time zone GMT 5 Coordinates … Wikipedia
Carvone — Chembox new Name = Carvone ImageFile = Carvone.png ImageName = Carvone ImageFile1 = S carvone stickModel.png ImageSize1 = 180px IUPACName = 2 methyl 5 (prop 1 en 2 yl) cyclohex 2 enone OtherNames = Δ6:8(9) p menthadien 2 one 1 methyl 4… … Wikipedia