car side
Смотреть что такое "car side" в других словарях:
side-car — [ sidkar; sajdkar ] n. m. • 1912; « cabriolet irlandais » 1888; mot angl., de side « côté » et car « voiture » ♦ Habitacle à une roue et pour un passager, monté sur le côté d une motocyclette. ♢ L ensemble du véhicule. Course de side cars. ● side … Encyclopédie Universelle
side-cars — ● side car, side cars nom masculin (anglais side car, de side, côté, et car, voiture) Caisse carrossée, montée sur une roue, pourvue d un siège et que l on accouple à une moto ; ensemble formé par cette caisse et la moto. ● side car, side cars… … Encyclopédie Universelle
side — n. & v. n. 1 a each of the more or less flat surfaces bounding an object (a cube has six sides; this side up). b a more or less vertical inner or outer plane or surface (the side of a house; a mountainside). c such a vertical lateral surface or… … Useful english dictionary
Side-car — BMW R 51 Side … Wikipédia en Français
Car Robots/Robots In Disguise — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Contenido 1 Introducción 2 Historia 3 Personajes 3.1 Autobots (Cybertrons) … Wikipedia Español
Car handling — and vehicle handling is a description of the way wheeled vehicles perform transverse to their direction of motion, particularly during cornering and swerving. It also includes their stability when moving in a straight line. Handling and braking… … Wikipedia
Car of Tomorrow — is also the title of a 1951 film by Tex Avery. Car of Tomorrow may also refer to the new Nationwide Series car. Car of Tomorrow Technical specifications … Wikipedia
Car by Side - BoardingHouse Heidelberg — (Гейдельберг,Германия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Rohrbacher Str. 32 , 69 … Каталог отелей
Side Effects (film) — Side Effects (2005) is a feature film about the pharmaceutical industry starring Katherine Heigl (known for her role on the television series Grey s Anatomy ). Also starring Lucian McAfee, Dorian DeMichele, Dave Durbin, Temeceka Harris.Directed… … Wikipedia
Car cricket — Car cricket, also known as pub cricket, is a car game which is played in the United Kingdom and other countries with a sufficient number of suitably named pubs. The game s popularity has declined as roads in the UK have steadily been upgraded.… … Wikipedia
side-cariste — ou sidecariste [sajdkaʀist; sidkaʀist] n. ÉTYM. 1913, la Vie au grand air, in Höfler; de side car. ❖ ♦ Pilote d un side car. || Un side cariste de l armée … Encyclopédie Universelle