- adhesive substance
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Adhesive substance — Клеящее вещество … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
adhesive — [ad hē′siv, ad hē′ziv; ədhē′ziv] adj. [Fr adhésif < L adhaesus, pp. of adhaerere: see ADHERE] 1. sticking and not coming loose; clinging 2. made so as to adhere n. 1. an adhesive substance, as glue 2. Philately an adhesive postage stamp… … English World dictionary
adhesive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ causing adherence; sticky. ► NOUN ▪ an adhesive substance. DERIVATIVES adhesively adverb adhesiveness noun … English terms dictionary
adhesive — 1. Relating to, or having the characteristics of, an adhesion. 2. Any material that adheres to a surface or causes adherence between surfaces. * * * ad·he·sive hē siv, ziv adj 1 a) tending to adhere or cause adherence <adhesive resins> b)… … Medical dictionary
adhesive tape — noun tape coated with adhesive • Hypernyms: ↑tape • Hyponyms: ↑cellulose tape, ↑Scotch tape, ↑Sellotape, ↑duct tape, ↑friction tape, ↑insulating tape, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
adhesive — [[t]ædhi͟ːsɪv[/t]] adhesives 1) N MASS An adhesive is a substance such as glue, which is used to make things stick firmly together. Glue the mirror in with a strong adhesive. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n An adhesive substance is able to stick firmly… … English dictionary
adhesive — ad he·sive || sɪv n. adhesive substance, substance which causes one thing to stick to another, glue adj. tending to adhere, sticky; tenacious … English contemporary dictionary
adhesive — I. adjective Date: 1670 1. tending to remain in association or memory 2. tending to adhere or cause adherence 3. prepared for adhering • adhesively adverb • adhesiveness noun II. noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
adhesive tape — cotton or other fabric coated with an adhesive substance, used for covering minor injuries on the skin, holding a bandage in place, etc. [1930 34] * * * … Universalium
adhesive absorbent dressing — a sterile individual dressing consisting of a plain absorbent compress affixed to a film or fabric coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive substance … Medical dictionary
adhesive — [əd hi:sɪv, zɪv] adjective able to stick to a surface or object; sticky. noun an adhesive substance. Derivatives adhesively adverb adhesiveness noun … English new terms dictionary