Смотреть что такое "candle-lamp" в других словарях:
candle — Synonyms and related words: ASA scale, Agnus Dei, British candle, Hefner candle, Holy Grail, Host, Pieta, Sanctus bell, Sangraal, Scheiner scale, ark, asperger, asperges, aspergillum, bambino, bayberry candle, beadroll, beads, bougie, bougie… … Moby Thesaurus
Candle — Can dle, n. [OE. candel, candel, AS, candel, fr. L. candela a (white) light made of wax or tallow, fr. cand[ e]re to be white. See {Candid}, and cf. {Chandler}, {Cannel}, {Kindle}.] 1. A slender, cylindrical body of tallow, containing a wick… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Candle nut — Candle Can dle, n. [OE. candel, candel, AS, candel, fr. L. candela a (white) light made of wax or tallow, fr. cand[ e]re to be white. See {Candid}, and cf. {Chandler}, {Cannel}, {Kindle}.] 1. A slender, cylindrical body of tallow, containing a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Candle power — Candle Can dle, n. [OE. candel, candel, AS, candel, fr. L. candela a (white) light made of wax or tallow, fr. cand[ e]re to be white. See {Candid}, and cf. {Chandler}, {Cannel}, {Kindle}.] 1. A slender, cylindrical body of tallow, containing a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
candle — O.E. candel lamp, lantern, candle, an early ecclesiastical borrowing from L. candela a light, torch, candle made of tallow or wax, from candere to shine, from PIE root *kand to glow, to shine, to shoot out light (Cf. Skt. cand to give light,… … Etymology dictionary
Candle — For other uses, see Candle (disambiguation). A close up image of a burning candle showing the wick and the various parts of the flame … Wikipedia
lamp — n 1. illuminant, luminary, luminant, illumination; light, light vessel, lampad; lamplet, gas lamp, oil lamp, Carcel lamp, Argand lamp, petane lamp, Hefner lamp; table lamp, floor lamp, bridge lamp, music lamp, piano lamp, night light, picture… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lamp — Synonyms and related words: Chinese lantern, Finsen light, Moore light, arc light, battery lamp, broadside, candle, candlelight, cresset, dark lantern, electric candle, electric lamp, electric light bulb, electric torch, electric arc lamp,… … Moby Thesaurus
lamp — lampless, adj. /lamp/, n. 1. any of various devices furnishing artificial light, as by electricity or gas. Cf. fluorescent lamp, incandescent lamp. 2. a container for an inflammable liquid, as oil, which is burned at a wick as a means of… … Universalium
lamp — n. & v. n. 1 a device for producing a steady light, esp.: a an electric bulb, and usu. its holder and shade or cover (bedside lamp; bicycle lamp). b an oil lamp. c a usu. glass holder for a candle. d a gas jet and mantle. 2 a source of spiritual… … Useful english dictionary
Candle — Heb. ner, Job 18:6; 29:3; Ps. 18:28; Prov. 24:20, in all which places the Revised Version and margin of Authorized Version have lamp, by which the word is elsewhere frequently rendered. The Hebrew word denotes properly any kind of candle or… … Easton's Bible Dictionary