camera box

camera box
1) (ящичный) корпус фото- или киносъёмочного аппарата
2) бокс киносъёмочного аппарата
3) кассета киносъёмочного аппарата

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "camera box" в других словарях:

  • Camera — For other uses, see Camera (disambiguation). Various cameras A camera is a device that records and stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura… …   Wikipedia

  • camera — /kam euhr euh, kam reuh/, n., pl. cameras for 1,2, camerae / euh ree/ for 3, adj. n. 1. a boxlike device for holding a film or plate sensitive to light, having an aperture controlled by a shutter that, when opened, admits light enabling an object …   Universalium

  • camera — n. 1) to load a camera 2) an automatic; box; cine (BE), motion picture (AE), movie (AE); miniature; television, TV camera 3) candid camera ( taking pictures of people without their knowledge ) 4) off camera ( not being filmed ) 5) on camera (… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • box — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a container, usu. with flat sides and of firm material such as wood or card, esp. for holding solids. 2 a the amount that will fill a box. b Brit. a gift of a kind formerly given to tradesmen etc. at Christmas. 3 a separate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • camera — [kam′ər ə, kam′rə] n. pl. cameras; also for CAMERA 1, camerae [kam′ər ē΄] [L camera, vault < Gr kamara, vaulted chamber < IE base * kam , to arch] 1. a chamber; specif., the private office of a judge 2. short for CAMERA OBSCURA 3. [ …   English World dictionary

  • box camera — n. a simple camera shaped like a box and having a fixed focus and, usually, a single shutter speed …   English World dictionary

  • Camera obscura — Cam e*ra ob*scu ra [LL. camera chamber + L. obscurus, obscura, dark.] (Opt.) 1. An apparatus in which the images of external objects, formed by a convex lens or a concave mirror, are thrown on a paper or other white surface placed in the focus of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • camera — 1708, vaulted building, from L. camera vaulted room (Cf. It. camera, Sp. camara, Fr. chambre), from Gk. kamara vaulted chamber, from PIE root *kam to arch. The word also was used early 18c. as a short form of Mod.L. camera obscura dark chamber (a …   Etymology dictionary

  • camera ob|scu|ra — «ob SKYUR uh», a box or small chamber in which images of external objects, received through an aperture, are exhibited on a surface arranged to receive them: »The camera obscura is used for sketching large objects, for exhibition purposes, etc.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • box camera — box′ cam′era n. pht a simple, boxlike camera, sometimes allowing for adjustment of the lens opening but not of shutter speed • Etymology: 1835–45 …   From formal English to slang

  • camera obscura — ► NOUN ▪ a darkened box or building with a lens or aperture for projecting the image of an external object on to a screen inside. ORIGIN Latin, dark chamber …   English terms dictionary

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