calibration level

calibration level
калибровочный уровень

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "calibration level" в других словарях:

  • Calibration — is the process of establishing the relationship between a measuring device and the units of measure. This is done by comparing a device or the output of an instrument to a standard having known measurement characteristics. For example the length… …   Wikipedia

  • Level sensor — Level sensors are used to detect liquid level. The liquid to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors… …   Wikipedia

  • Measurement microphone calibration — In order to take a scientific measurement with a microphone, its precise sensitivity must be known (in volts per Pascal). Since this may change over the lifetime of the device, it is necessary to regularly calibrate measurement microphones. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Sea level rise — is an increase in sea level. Multiple complex factors may influence this change. Sea level has risen about 130 meters (400 ft) since the peak of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Most of the rise occurred before 6,000 years ago. From 3,000 …   Wikipedia

  • Color calibration — The aim of color calibration is to measure and/or adjust the color response of a device (input or output) to a known state. In ICC terms this is the basis for a additional color characterization of the device and later profiling[1]. In non ICC… …   Wikipedia

  • Current sea level rise — This article is about the current and future rise in sea level associated with global warming. For sea level changes in Earth s history, see Sea level#Changes through geologic time. Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in… …   Wikipedia

  • National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories — (NABL), is an autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science Technology, Government of India, and is registered under the Societies Act. Contents 1 About NABL 2 Objectives 3 Laboratory Accreditation …   Wikipedia

  • Air Force Metrology and Calibration Program Office — AFMETCAL (Air Force METrology and CALibration Program Office), located in Heath, Ohio is the primary manager of metrology services for the U.S. Air Force. It retains engineering authority for all calibrations performed in the PMEL labs throughout …   Wikipedia

  • Audio Engineering Society, Coarse-groove Calibration Discs — Libraries and archives around the world have collections of many thousands of coarse groove mechanical audio recordings, phonograph or gramophone records, largely 78s or 78 rpm discs. This is a substantial recorded heritage of mankind s music and …   Wikipedia

  • Sound level meter — Type 1 Sound Level Meter (Shown: Svantek 979) Sound level meters measure sound pressure level and are commonly used in noise pollution studies for the quantification of almost any noise, but especially for industrial, environmental and aircraft… …   Wikipedia

  • Above ground level — In aviation and atmospheric sciences, an altitude is said to be above ground level (AGL) when it is measured with respect to the underlying ground surface. This is as opposed to above mean sea level (AMSL), or in broadcast engineering, height… …   Wikipedia

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