- calculated value
расчётное значение
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
calculated value — apskaičiuotoji vertė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. calculated value; computed value vok. berechneter Wert, m; errechneter Wert, m rus. вычисленное значение, n pranc. valeur calculée, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
calculated value — apskaičiuotoji vertė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. calculated value vok. berechneter Wert, m; errechneter Wert, m rus. вычисленное значение, n; рассчитанное значение, n pranc. valeur calculée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Value at risk — (VaR) is a maximum tolerable loss that could occur with a given probability within a given period of time. VaR is a widely applied concept to measure and manage many types of risk, although it is most commonly used to measure and manage the… … Wikipedia
value — val·ue 1 / val yü/ n 1 a: a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged received good value for the price b: valuable consideration at consideration … Law dictionary
Value of information — (VoI) in decision analysis is the amount a decision maker would be willing to pay for information prior to making a decision. imilar termsVoI is sometimes distinguished into value of perfect information, also called value of clairvoyance (VoC),… … Wikipedia
Value Added Tax in Madhya Pradesh — MADHYA PRADESH VALUE ADDED TAX ACTVAT Tax payable on value addition. Value Addition is not profit it is difference between sale prices and purchase price.METHODS OF CHARGING VAT1. Subtraction Method In this method tax is charged on difference of… … Wikipedia
value at risk — alue at risk ( VAR) The amount or percentage of value that is at risk of being lost from a change in prevailing interest rates (similarly defined for things other than interest rates as well). The sensitivity of the value of a single financial… … Financial and business terms
Value added tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Value over replacement player — In baseball, value over replacement player (or VORP) is a statistic invented by Keith Woolner that demonstrates how much a hitter contributes offensively or how much a pitcher contributes to his team in comparison to a fictitious replacement… … Wikipedia
Value of time — In transport economics, the value of time is the opportunity cost of the time that a traveller spends on their journey. In essence, this makes it the amount that a traveller would be willing to pay in order to save time, or the amount they would… … Wikipedia
Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index — The calculated carbon aromaticity index (CCAI) is an index of the ignition quality of residual fuel oil.The running of all internal combustion engines is dependent on the ignition quality of the fuel. For spark ignition engines the fuel has an… … Wikipedia