Смотреть что такое "cableman" в других словарях:
cableman — Significa en inglés «técnico encargado del desplazamiento de cables eléctricos». Tradúzcase por cablista … Diccionario español de neologismos
cableman — ca·ble·man … English syllables
cableman — … Useful english dictionary
Cow hitch — Names Cow hitch, Lark s head, Lark s foot, Girth hitch, Ring hitch, Lanyard hitch, Bale Sling hitch, Baggage Tag Loop, Tag Knot, Deadeye hitch, Running eye Category … Wikipedia
Autorecloser — In electric power distribution, an autorecloser is a circuit breaker equipped with a mechanism that can automatically close the breaker after it has been opened due to a fault. [Richard c. Dorf (ed.) The Electrical Engineering Handbook , CRC… … Wikipedia
Dial H for Hero — is a comic book feature published by DC Comics about a mysterious dial that enables an ordinary person to become a superhero for a short time, by selecting the letters H E R O in order. Each time it is used, the dial causes its possessor to… … Wikipedia
Lineman (occupation) — [ overhead lines (that supply power to trains)] A lineman (American English) or linesman (British English) (also occasionally called a lineworker or a line electrician) is a tradesman who constructs and maintains electric power transmission and… … Wikipedia
List of aerial lifts in Japan — The list of aerial lifts in Japan lists aerial lifts in the nation.In Japan, aerial lift, or nihongo| ropeway |索道|sakudō, includes means of transport such as aerial tramway, funitel, gondola lift, funifor, as well as chairlift. All of them are… … Wikipedia
DVB-SH — Список стандартов цифрового телевизионного вещания Стандарты DVB (Европа) DVB S (Цифровое спутниковое ТВ) DVB S2 DVB T (Цифровое эфирное ТВ) DVB T2 DVB C (Цифровое кабельное ТВ) DVB C2 DVB H (Мобильное ТВ) DVB SH (с … Википедия
Viasat Sport — Зона вещания Европа Язык вещания Русский, оригинальный (отсутствие комментатора) Тематика канала спорт Дата начала вещания 1999 … Википедия
câbliste — [ kablist ] n. • 1973; de câble ♦ Télév. Agent chargé de manipuler les câbles d une caméra, lors de ses déplacements dans une prise de vues. ● câbliste nom Agent chargé de manipuler les câbles d une caméra lors de ses déplacements au cours d une… … Encyclopédie Universelle