cable-television interference

cable-television interference
помехи от кабельного телевидения

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cable-television interference" в других словарях:

  • North American cable television frequencies — In North American cable TV networks, the radio frequencies used to carry signals to the customer are allocated to standardarized channel numbers listed in the CEA standard 542. Cable channel frequencies are generally different from off air… …   Wikipedia

  • Television in Greece and Cyprus — Television broadcasting in Greece began in 1966, with the first network, EPT (Ellinikí Radiofonía Tileórasi) broadcasting out of Athens, as a state owned monopoly. Original broadcasts were in black and white. A second network, YENED, opened in… …   Wikipedia

  • Television in Greece — Television broadcasting in Greece began in 1966 and this was preceded in 1951 by statute 1663 permitting television broadcasting.[1] Contents 1 History 1.1 1960s 1970s 1.2 1980s …   Wikipedia

  • Cable converter box — Pace Micro Technology DC757X HD cable box A cable converter box or television converter box is an electronic tuning device that transposes/converts any of the available channels from a cable television service to an analog RF signal on a single… …   Wikipedia

  • cable — cablelike, adj. /kay beuhl/, n., v., cabled, cabling. n. 1. a heavy, strong rope. 2. a very strong rope made of strands of metal wire, as used to support cable cars or suspension bridges. 3. a cord of metal wire used to operate or pull a… …   Universalium

  • Television channel frequencies — The following tables show the frequencies assigned to broadcast television channels in various regions of the world, along with the ITU letter designator for the system used. The frequencies shown are for the video and audio carriers. The channel …   Wikipedia

  • Cable — /kay beuhl/, n. George Washington, 1844 1925, U.S. novelist and short story writer. * * * (as used in expressions) Cable News Network cable modem cable structure cable television coaxial cable * * * ▪ electronics …   Universalium

  • TÉLÉVISION — La télévision est devenue un fait social de première importance puisque, dans les pays les plus développés, il y avait, en 1990, environ dix récepteurs de télévision pour vingt cinq habitants. Grâce à l’électronique, certains spectacles,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Television and Radio — ▪ 1995 Introduction       Dominant trends in television and radio in 1994 included continuing globalization of services and programming and increased competition between cable and telephone companies. The industry s battle cry was expand or exit …   Universalium

  • Television licence — A television licence (or broadcast receiver licence) is an official licence required in many countries for the reception of television (and sometimes also radio) broadcasts. It is a form of hypothecation tax to fund public broadcasting, thus… …   Wikipedia

  • television (TV) — Electronic system for transmitting still or moving images and sound to receivers that project a view of the images on a picture tube or screen and recreate the sound. Early versions (1900–20) of the cathode ray (picture) tube, methods of… …   Universalium

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