
1) шкаф; шкаф с выдвижными ящиками
2) стойка; стеллаж
3) корпус; кожух
4) отсек; отделение; секция
5) хол., пищ. камера
6) прилавок; витрина
air-blow cabinet
battery cabinet
blast cabinet
block cabinet
card cabinet
card index cabinet
case storage cabinet
cold storage cabinet
commercial refrigerated cabinet
control cabinet
cooking cabinet
cooling cabinet
deep freeze cabinet
display cabinet
distribution cabinet
drying cabinet
dual-temperature cabinet
dusting cabinet
electrical cabinet
environmental cabinet
fermentation cabinet
filing cabinet
film-storage cabinet
fire extinguisher cabinet
food freezer cabinet
frozen food storage cabinet
hardening cabinet
hot storage cabinet
humid cabinet
humidity cabinet
instrument cabinet
matrix cabinet
mechanically refrigerated cabinet
memory cabinet
moist air cabinet
multidrawer file cabinet
packaged refrigerated cabinet
paper storage cabinet
printing cabinet
proof cabinet
push-through cabinet
quench cabinet
refrigerated cabinet
relay cabinet
rotor finishing cabinet
sandblast cabinet
shotblast cabinet
smoke cabinet
snap-chill cabinet
soda fountain cabinet
sorting cabinet
spinning cabinet
tool cabinet
TV cabinet
visible filing cabinet
wall cabinet
warming cabinet

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "cabinet" в других словарях:

  • cabinet — [ kabinɛ ] n. m. • 1491 « petite chambre »; du picard cabine I ♦ 1 ♦ Rare en emploi libre Petite pièce située à l écart. ⇒ 2. réduit. Cabinet de débarras. ⇒ cagibi. CABINET NOIR, sans fenêtre. Menacer un enfant de l enfermer au cabinet noir.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • cabinet — CABINÉT, cabinete, s.n. I. 1. Încăpere dintr o locuinţă sau dintr o instituţie, folosită pentru exercitarea unei profesiuni. ♦ Biroul unei persoane cu muncă de răspundere. Cabinetul ministrului ♢ Şef (sau director) de cabinet = funcţionar… …   Dicționar Român

  • cabinet — CABINET. s. m. Lieu de retraite pour travailler, ou converser en particulier, ou pour y serrer des papiers, des livres, ou quelque autre chose, selon la profession ou l humeur de la personne qui y habite. Grand cabinet. petit cabinet. cabinet à… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Cabinet — Cab i*net (k[a^]b [i^]*n[e^]t), n. [F., dim. of cabine or cabane. See {Cabin}, n.] 1. A hut; a cottage; a small house. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Hearken a while from thy green cabinet, The rural song of careful Colinet. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cabinet — index bench, board, chamber (body), commission (agency), committee Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • cabinet — cab‧i‧net [ˈkæbnt] noun [countable] the group of politicians, including the leader of the government, who hold important positions in the government and meet regularly to discuss important issues: • a law approved by the prime minister and his… …   Financial and business terms

  • cabinet — Cabinet, alij malunt, Gabinet, Cistula, Conclaue, Pinacotheca. Le cabinet du Roy, Cimeliarchium. B. Qui a la clef du cabinet, Cimeliarcha. Somme contente ou Cabinet du Roy, Confiscata summa. B. ex Sueton. Le cabinet d une femme, toutes les sortes …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • cabinet — [kab′ə nit] n. [Fr, prob. < It gabbinetto, dim. of gabbia < L cavea, CAGE] 1. a case or cupboard with drawers or shelves for holding or storing things [a china cabinet, a medicine cabinet] 2. a) a boxlike container, usually decorated, that… …   English World dictionary

  • Cabinet — Cabinet …   Википедия

  • Cabinet — Cabinet, 1) ein kleineres Behältniß neben einem größern Zimmer, dient als Spielgemach, Toilette, Buffet, Garderobe etc. 2) In Palästen, Wohn oder Arbeitszimmer, letzteres namentlich für regierende Fürsten, zugleich Versammlungsort der höchsten… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • Cabinet — Cab i*net, a. Suitable for a cabinet; small. [1913 Webster] He [Varnhagen von Ense] is a walking cabinet edition of Goethe. For. Quar. Rev. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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