
1) добавка; присадка
2) примесь
3) аддитивный
- acid neutralizer additive -
activating additive
antiacid additive
antidecomposition additive
antifoaming additive
antiicing additive
antiknock additive
antioxidant additive
antirust additive
antiscoring additive
antiscuffing additive
antiseizure additive
antisludge additive
antismoke additive
antistick additive
antiwear additive
antiweld additive
bituminous additive
breakdown additive
burden additive
catalyst additive
cementitious additive
cetane additive
chemical additive
combustible additive
completion fluid additive
cryoprotective additive
detergent additive
dispersant additive
dispersing additive
drilling mud additive
E.P. additive
emulsifier additive
extreme-pressure additive
fatty additive
film strength additive
fire-retardant additive
flavor additive
flow additive
fluid loss additive
foaming additive
food additive
friction additive
fuel additive
gasoline additive
grease additive
halogen additive
heat-transfer additive
hypoid additive
injurous additive
load-carrying additive
low-profile additive
lubricant additive
lubricating additive
mat additive
mineral additive
nitrate additive
nonbleeding additive
oil additive
oiliness additive
oil-soluble additive
polar additive
reinforcement additive
scale-control additive
sintering additive
smoke-suppressant additive
stabilizing additive
sulfur-containing additive
sulfur additive
surface-active additive
tackiness additive
wear-preventive additive
wearproof additive
wearresistant additive

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "additive" в других словарях:

  • Additive — (lat. additivum „hinzugegeben, beiliegend“), auch Hilfsstoffe oder Zusatzstoffe sind Zusatzstoffe, die Produkten in geringen Mengen zugesetzt werden, um bestimmte Eigenschaften zu erreichen oder zu verbessern. Additive werden eingesetzt, um einen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Additive — may refer to:* Additive function, a function which preserves addition * Additive inverse, an arithmetic concept * Additive category, a preadditive category with finite biproducts * Additive rhythm, a larger period of time constructed from smaller …   Wikipedia

  • Additive — Ad di*tive, a. [L. additivus.] (Math.) Proper to be added; positive; opposed to {subtractive}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • additive — I noun accrual, addendum, addition, adjunct, appurtenance, attachment, augmentation, enhancement, extension, increment, supplement II index addition, additional, bonus, codicil, cumulative ( …   Law dictionary

  • Additive — Additive,   Singular Additiv das, s, englisch Additives [ ædɪtɪvz], Substanzen, die Kraft und Kunststoffen, Lacken, Schmierölen, Waschmitteln u. a. Produkten in kleinen Mengen zugesetzt werden, um deren Qualität zu verbessern oder ihre… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • additive — summative, *cumulative, accumulative Analogous words: aggregative, conglomerate, agglomerative (see corresponding nouns at AGGREGATE): constituent, component, elemental (see corresponding nouns at ELEMENT) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • additive — [n] added ingredient accompaniment, addition, add on, extra, flavor enhancer, preservative, supplement; concepts 640,835 …   New thesaurus

  • additive — ► NOUN ▪ a substance added to improve or preserve something. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or produced by addition …   English terms dictionary

  • additive — [ad′ə tiv] adj. [LL additivus: see ADD1] 1. showing or relating to addition 2. to be added n. a substance added to another in small quantities to produce a desired effect, as a preservative added to food or an antiknock added to gasoline …   English World dictionary

  • additivé — additif, ive [ aditif, iv ] adj. et n. m. • 1843; bas lat. additivus 1 ♦ Relatif à l addition. Math. Loi additive : loi de composition interne notée +. ⇒ addition. 2 ♦ N. m. (1946) Supplément, article additionnel. Un additif au budget. Adj. Note… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • additive — additively, adv. /ad i tiv/, n. 1. something that is added, as one substance to another, to alter or improve the general quality or to counteract undesirable properties: an additive that thins paint. 2. Nutrition. a. Also called food additive. a… …   Universalium

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