burst mode

burst mode
1) режим высокочастотных пульсаций
2) монопольный режим (передачи)
3) режим пульсирующего трафика (при передаче информации)
4) режим пиковой производительности; режим ускоренной обработки (путём одновременного выполнения пересылки и обработки данных)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "burst mode" в других словарях:

  • Burst mode — may refer to:*Burst mode (computing), a computer term for the repeated transmission of data by a device without waiting for additional input. *Burst mode (firearm), a firing mode enabling a pre determined number of rounds to be fired with a… …   Wikipedia

  • burst mode —    A method of data transmission in which information is collected and then sent in one single high speed transmission, rather than one packet or character at a time.    Systems that use multiplexers to serve several channels often use burst mode …   Dictionary of networking

  • burst mode — pliūpsninis siuntimas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Duomenų siuntimo būdas, kai visas kanalas skiriamas vienam duomenų rinkiniui tol, kol bus persiųsti visi rinkinio duomenys. Dėl to sutrumpėja to duomenų rinkinio persiuntimo laikas.… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Burst mode (computing) — Burst mode (alternatively burst mode, with a hyphen) is a generic computing term referring to any situation in which a device is transmitting data repeatedly without waiting for input from another device or waiting for an internal process to… …   Wikipedia

  • Burst mode (firearm) — In automatic firearms, burst mode or burst fire is a firing mode enabling the shooter to fire a predetermined number of rounds (usually 3; sometimes 2 or 4) at a time with a single pull of the trigger this firing mode is commonly used in… …   Wikipedia

  • Burst mode clock and data recovery — The passive optical network (PON) uses tree like network topology. Due to the topology of PON, the transmission modes for downstream (i.e., from optical line termination, OLT to optical network unit, ONU) and upstream (i.e., from ONU to OLT) are… …   Wikipedia

  • Burst mode (photography) — Burst is a mode in a camera mostly in SLRs. In this mode, several images can be captured with one press on the shutter. This is used mainly in mixed light conditions or when the subject is in successive motion. The photographer can then select… …   Wikipedia

  • burst mode — ● ►en loc. m. ►DISQUE►ARCHI Méthode assurant une transmission continue des informations entre deux éléments d un ordinateur, et permettant (principalement) au processeur de recevoir les données sans wait state (état d attente, du temps perdu, en… …   Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone

  • burst mode —    The transmission of bulk data in large, continuous blocks over a channel that is used exclusively for the extent of the transmission …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Burst — may refer to: *Burst mode, a mode of operation where events occur in rapid succession **Burst transmission, a term in telecommunications **Burst switching, a feature of some packet switched networks **Bursting, a signaling mode of neurons*Burst… …   Wikipedia

  • Burst-Modus — (auch Burstmodus oder englisch burst mode) ist ein Begriff aus der Computertechnik.[1] Es handelt sich um einen Übertragungsmodus zur Beschleunigung von Lese oder Schreibvorgängen bei Speichereinheiten. Im Gegensatz zum sogenannten Wort Modus… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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