bunker fuel

bunker fuel
флотский мазут; топливо для котлов и двигателей

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bunker fuel" в других словарях:

  • bunker fuel — noun or bunker oil : any of various fuel oils used especially on ships …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fuel oil — An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bunker (disambiguation) — A bunker is a defensive military fortification.Bunker may also refer to:* Bunker (golf), a sand trap on a golf course. * Fuel on a ship is called bunker fuel * Fuel accessed via a large tank or via the provision of a fuel card is referred to as… …   Wikipedia

  • bunker oil — noun see bunker fuel * * * Naut. oil taken on board a tanker as fuel, as distinguished from the oil carried as cargo. * * * bunker oil, 1. oil carried on a ship for use as its own fuel. 2. a similar grade and weight of heavy oil used to operate… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bunker fuels —   Fuel supplied to ships and aircraft, both domestic and foreign, consisting primarily of residual and distillate fuel oil for ships and kerosene based jet fuel for aircraft. The term international bunker fuels is used to denote the consumption… …   Energy terms

  • bunker — [buŋ′kər] n. [Scot < ?] 1. a large bin or tank, as for a ship s fuel 2. an underground fortification of steel and concrete containing a bomb shelter, weapon emplacement, etc., that is often part of a system 3. a sand trap or other barren area… …   English World dictionary

  • bunker — ► NOUN 1) a large container for storing fuel. 2) an underground shelter for use in wartime. 3) a hollow filled with sand, used as an obstacle on a golf course. ► VERB ▪ refuel (a ship). ORIGIN originally Scots, denoting a seat or bench …   English terms dictionary

  • Bunker-C — Schweröl Andere Namen Bunkeröl, HFO, RFO, IFO, Bunker C, Bunker B Handelsnamen Marine (Residual) Fuel Oil (MFO) Kurzbeschreibung Dieselkraftstoff für Schiffsmotoren Herkunft fossil …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bunker C — Schweröl Andere Namen Bunkeröl, HFO, RFO, IFO, Bunker C, Bunker B Handelsnamen Marine (Residual) Fuel Oil (MFO) Kurzbeschreibung Dieselkraftstoff für Schiffsmotoren Herkunft fossil …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bunker Oil (company) — Infobox Company name = Bunker Oil AS type = Private genre = foundation = 1992 founder = location city = Ålesund location country = Norway location = locations = area served = Norway key people = Jan Magnus Kieven (CEO) industry = Petroleum… …   Wikipedia

  • bunker — /ˈbʌŋkə / (say bungkuh) noun 1. a chest or box; a large bin or receptacle: a coal bunker. 2. a fortified shelter, often underground. 3. a heavily defended position or point of view. 4. a building, as a company headquarters, for which permission… …  

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