- bullnose
1) элемент с закруглённым ребром или торцом2) закруглённая фаска; металлическая накладка (для защиты усёнка)3) маленький рубанок с железком в носовой части4) заглушка (трубопровода)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Bullnose — is a term used in building construction for rounded convex trim, particularly in ceramic tile. [ [http://www.ceramic tile.com/glossary.cfm?grp=B Ceramic Tile glossary of terms ] ] Uses Bullnose trim is used to provide a smooth, rounded edge for… … Wikipedia
bullnose — /bool nohz /, n. 1. Also, bull s nose. Archit. a. a rounded or obtuse exterior angle, as the corner made by two walls. b. a structural member, as a brick, used in forming such an angle. 2. Also called bullnose step. a step having semicircular or… … Universalium
bullnose — bull·nose bu̇l nōz n a necrobacillosis arising in facial wounds of swine and characterized by swelling of the face, nose, and mouth and sloughing of the tissues * * * bull·nose (boolґnōz) necrotic rhinitis … Medical dictionary
bullnose — n. type of plane (carpenter s tool) … English contemporary dictionary
bullnose — bull•nose [[t]ˈbʊlˌnoʊz[/t]] n. 1) archit. a rounded or obtuse exterior angle, as the corner made by two walls 2) archit. a structural member, as a brick, used in forming such an angle • Etymology: 1835–45 … From formal English to slang
bullnose — /ˈbʊlnoʊz/ (say boolnohz) noun 1. a brick having one edge rounded off. 2. a similar timber section used for architraves and skirtings. –adjective 3. of or relating to a verandah made out of corrugated sheet metal roofing which is curved so that… …
bullnose — noun a small carpenter s plane with the cutting edge near the front • Syn: ↑bullnosed plane • Hypernyms: ↑plane, ↑carpenter s plane, ↑woodworking plane … Useful english dictionary
bullnose header — Masonry. See bull header (def. 1). * * * … Universalium
bullnose stretcher — Masonry. See bull stretcher (def. 1). * * * … Universalium
bullnose pepper — noun : sweet pepper … Useful english dictionary
bullnose tool — noun : a tool that is shaped like a roundnose tool but has a wider and stronger point and that is used for taking heavy roughing cuts (as on a lathe or planer) … Useful english dictionary