- add-on device
1) навесной компонент; дискретный компонент2) дополнительное (внешнее) устройство; приставка
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
add-on — I. noun Date: 1946 something added on: as a. a sum or amount added on b. something (as an accessory or added feature) that enhances the thing it is added to < computer hardware add ons > II. adjective Date: 1955 1. being or able to be added on … New Collegiate Dictionary
device — 1 Device, contrivance, gadget, contraption mean something usually of a mechanical character which is invented as a means of doing a particular piece of work or of effecting a given end. Device is the most widely applicable of these terms; it may… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Device Bay — was a standard jointly developed by Compaq, Intel and Microsoft in 1997, as a simple way to add, remove, and share hardware devices. Originally intended to be introduced in the second half of 1998, Device Bay was never finalized and has long… … Wikipedia
add-on — add′ on n. 1) cvb a device or unit added to equipment or a construction 2) cvb anything added on, as a charge, tax, rider, or provision 3) cvb provided as an add on • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
add-on — /ad on , awn /, n. 1. a device or unit added to equipment or a construction: an add on to a computer; a nice add on to an old house. 2. an extra charge: Add ons for taxes and tour guide fees boosted the price of the vacation to $2,500. 3. an… … Universalium
device driver — A small program that allows a computer to communicate with and control a device. Each operating system contains a standard set of device drivers for the keyboard,themonitor,andsoon.Whenyou add specialized peripheral devices, such as a CD ROM… … Dictionary of networking
add|er — ad|der1 «AD uhr», noun. 1. a) a small, poisonous snake common in Europe and the only poisonous snake in Great Britain. It belongs to the viper family. b) any one of several other poisonous snakes of the viper family, such as the puff adder of… … Useful english dictionary
ADD — Address (Computing » SMS) * Addition (Computing » Assembly) * Addiction (Medical » Physiology) * Attention Deficit Disorder (Community » Educational) * Attention Deficit Disorder (Medical) * Attention Deficit Disorder (Medical » Physiology) *… … Abbreviations dictionary
ADD — • Adapter Device Driver • bei Tonträgern: Analoge Aufnahme, Digitale Abmischung, Digitales Medium (vergl. AAD) • Advanced Dungeons & Dragons • Addis Abeba, Ethiopia internationale Flughafen Kennung … Acronyms
ADD — [1] Adapter Device Driver [2] bei Tonträgern: Analoge Aufnahme, Digitale Abmischung, Digitales Medium (vergl. AAD) [3] Advanced Dungeons & Dragons [4] Addis Abeba, Ethiopia internationale Fughafen Kennung … Acronyms von A bis Z
ADD — abbr. comp.OS/2 adapter device driver … Dictionary of computer extensions