- building service
коммунальные услуги
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… … Universalium
Building engineering education — Education in the field of Building Engineering, better known as Architectural Engineering in the United States, is the study of the integrated application of engineering principles and technology to building design and architecture. For… … Wikipedia
Service-oriented modeling and architecture — IBM Service Oriented Modeling and Architecture (IBM SOMA) is a specific Service oriented modeling methodology for the identification, modeling and design of services that leverages existing systems. Bernd J. Krämer, Kwei Jay Lin, Priya Narasimhan … Wikipedia
Service-oriented analysis and design — As service oriented architecture (SOA) and the service oriented computing platform mature more formal approaches and methodologies to building service oriented solution logic have emerged. These build upon earlier analysis and design processes… … Wikipedia
Service Employees International Union — Union internationale des employés des services l Union internationale des employés des services (UIES) (anglais: Service Employees International Union SEIU) est un syndicat nord américain représentant 1,8 million de salariés aux États Unis et au… … Wikipédia en Français
Service employees international union — Union internationale des employés des services l Union internationale des employés des services (UIES) (anglais: Service Employees International Union SEIU) est un syndicat nord américain représentant 1,8 million de salariés aux États Unis et au… … Wikipédia en Français
Service-oriented architecture — (SOA) is a method for systems development and integration where functionality is grouped around business processes and packaged as interoperable services . SOA also describes IT infrastructure which allows different applications to exchange data… … Wikipedia
Building insulation — refers broadly to any object in a building used as insulation for any purpose. Whilst the majority of insulation in buildings is for thermal purposes, the term also applies to acoustic insulation, fire insulation, and impact insulation. Often an… … Wikipedia
Building the Virginian Railway — began as a project to create an convert|80|mi|km|sing=on long short line railroad to provide access for shipping of untapped bituminous coal reserves in southern West Virginia early in the 20th century. After facing a refusal of the big railroads … Wikipedia
Building regulations in England and Wales — Building regulations are statutory instruments that seek to ensure that the policies set out in the relevant liegislation are carried out and Building regulations approval is required for most building work in the UK. Building regulations that… … Wikipedia
Service européen pour l'action extérieure — Le Triangle building, siège du SEAE … Wikipédia en Français