buffer area
Смотреть что такое "buffer area" в других словарях:
buffer area — As it pertains to a holding area, it is the area extending 5 NM (9.3 km) beyond the boundary of the holding area. The height and the nature of the obstacles are taken into consideration when determining the minimum holding level usable in the… … Aviation dictionary
Buffer — can refer to: * Buffer state, a country lying between two potentially hostile greater powers, thought to prevent conflict between them * Buffer zone, any area that keeps two or more other areas distant from one another, may be demilitarized *… … Wikipedia
Buffer — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El termino buffer puede referirse: En informática, un buffer de datos es una ubicación de la memoria en una computadora o en un instrumento digital reservada para el almacenamiento temporal de información digital,… … Wikipedia Español
Buffer Credits — werden auch buffer to buffer credits genannt. Sie gewährleisten die Kommunikation in einem Fibre Channel Storage Area Network (SAN), insbesondere bei großen Distanzen zwischen den Geräten. Da die Signale nicht schneller als Lichtgeschwindigkeit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
buffer zone — buffer zones N COUNT A buffer zone is an area created to separate opposing forces or groups which belongs to neither of them … English dictionary
buffer — ► NOUN 1) (buffers) Brit. projecting shock absorbing pistons at the end of a railway track or on a railway vehicle. 2) a person or thing that reduces a shock or forms a barrier between adversaries. 3) (also buffer solution) Chemistry a solution… … English terms dictionary
buffer — buffer1 [buf′ər] n. [ BUFF1, vt. + ER] 1. a person who buffs or polishes 2. a buffing wheel, stick, block, or cloth buffer2 [buf′ər] n. [ BUFF2, v. + … English World dictionary
buffer zone — buffer ,zone noun count an area of land between two armies that they are not allowed to enter, making it less likely that they will attack each other … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Área Global del Sistema — Este artículo o sección necesita ser wikificado con un formato acorde a las convenciones de estilo. Por favor, edítalo para que las cumpla. Mientras tanto, no elimines este aviso puesto el 18 de octubre de 2011. También puedes ayudar wikificando… … Wikipedia Español
Buffer strip — Contour buffer strips used to retain soil and reduce erosion. See also: Riparian zone restoration A buffer strip is an area of land maintained in permanent vegetation that helps to control air, soil, and water quality, along with other… … Wikipedia
Buffer overflow — In computer security and programming, a buffer overflow, or buffer overrun, is an anomalous condition where a process attempts to store data beyond the boundaries of a fixed length buffer. The result is that the extra data overwrites adjacent… … Wikipedia