bucket chain

bucket chain
ковшовая цепь (экскаватора)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bucket chain" в других словарях:

  • chain — /tʃeɪn / (say chayn) noun 1. a connected series of metal or other links for connecting, drawing, confining, restraining, etc., or for ornament. 2. something that binds or restrains. 3. (plural) bonds or fetters. 4. (plural) bondage. 5. a series… …  

  • bucket — /buk it/, n., v., bucketed, bucketing. n. 1. a deep, cylindrical vessel, usually of metal, plastic, or wood, with a flat bottom and a semicircular bail, for collecting, carrying, or holding water, sand, fruit, etc.; pail. 2. anything resembling… …   Universalium

  • bucket — /ˈbʌkət / (say bukuht) noun 1. a vessel, usually round with flat bottom and a semicircular handle, for carrying water, sand, etc. 2. anything resembling or suggesting this. 3. one of the scoops attached to or forming the endless chain in certain… …  

  • Bucket elevator — A bucket elevator, also called a grain leg, is a mechanism for hauling flowable bulk materials (most often grain or fertilizer) vertically. It consists of: # Buckets to contain the material; # A belt to carry the buckets and transmit the pull; #… …   Wikipedia

  • Chain pump — The chain pump is type of a water pump in which several circular discs are positioned on an endless chain. One part of the chain dips in to the water, and the chain runs through a tube, slightly bigger than the diameter of the discs. As the chain …   Wikipedia

  • bucket pump — noun 1. : a vertical piston usually duplex pump whose valves are in the piston or pistons 2. : chain pump 3. : a hand operated force pump commonly used for spraying with liquids contained in a bucket …   Useful english dictionary

  • bucket brigade — noun 1. : a chain of persons acting to suppress a fire by passing buckets of water from hand to hand 2. : any chain (as of persons) acting to meet an emergency …   Useful english dictionary

  • bucket brigade — noun Date: 1899 a chain of persons acting to put out a fire by passing buckets of water from hand to hand …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bucket conveyor — Mach. a conveyor consisting of an endless chain with a series of buckets attached at regular intervals, used for moving ore, gravel, grain, or other bulk materials. * * * …   Universalium

  • bucket brigade — noun a) A primitive firefighting technique, in which a long line of people pass buckets of water hand to hand from the nearest water source to the site of a fire, in an attempt to douse it. b) By extension, any process in which something is… …   Wiktionary

  • bucket conveyor — noun : conveyer 2a(6) * * * Mach. a conveyor consisting of an endless chain with a series of buckets attached at regular intervals, used for moving ore, gravel, grain, or other bulk materials …   Useful english dictionary

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