broth culture

broth culture
бульонная культура

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "broth culture" в других словарях:

  • broth — brȯth n, pl broths brȯths, brȯthz 1) liquid in which meat or sometimes vegetable food has been cooked 2) a fluid culture medium * * * (broth) 1. a thin soup prepared by boiling meat or vegetables. 2. a liquid culture medium for the cultivation …   Medical dictionary

  • broth — ► NOUN 1) soup consisting of meat or vegetable chunks cooked in stock. 2) a liquid nutrient medium for the culture of bacteria. ORIGIN Old English, related to BREW(Cf. ↑brewer) …   English terms dictionary

  • Culture of Costa Rica — Costa Rican culture is heavily influenced by Spanish culture, with the exception of Limón and the Cordillera de Talamanca.[citation needed] The official language of Costa Rica is Spanish. Native languages include Bribrí and as well as others… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of Himachal Pradesh — Himachali Tibetan in traditional dress Himachal was one of the few states that had remained largely untouched by external customs, largely due to its difficult terrain. With the technological advancements the state has changed very rapidly.… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of Póvoa de Varzim — Portuguese painted tile work with Povoan boats and siglas poveiras marks. The culture of Póvoa de Varzim, in Portugal, deriving from the different working classes and with influences arriving from the maritime route from Baltic Sea to the… …   Wikipedia

  • broth — noun (plural broths) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German brod broth, Old English brēowan to brew more at brew Date: before 12th century 1. liquid in which meat, fish, cereal grains, or vegetables have been cooked… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Culture of Cambodia — Traditional Khmer dance The culture of Cambodia has had a rich and varied history dating back many centuries, and has been heavily influenced by India.[1] Throughout Cambodia s long history, a major source of inspiration was from religion.… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture — A culture is the propagation of microorganisms in a growth media. Any body tissue or fluid can be evaluated in the laboratory by culture techniques in order to detect and identify infectious processes. Culture techniques also be used to determine …   Medical dictionary

  • Culture of Belgium — A discussion of Belgian culture requires discussing both those aspects of cultural life shared by all or most of the Belgians, regardless of what language they speak, and also, the differences between the main cultural communities: the Flemish… …   Wikipedia

  • Culture of Scotland — Addressing the haggis during Burns supper : Fair fa your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin race! The culture of Scotland refers to the patterns of human activity and symbolism associated with Scotland and the Scottish people …   Wikipedia

  • culture — 1) n. a population of microorganisms, usually bacteria, grown in a solid or liquid laboratory medium (culture medium), which is usually agar, broth, or gelatin. A pure culture consists of a single bacterial species. A stab culture is a bacterial… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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