broadband signal

broadband signal
широкополосный сигнал

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "broadband signal" в других словарях:

  • Broadband Internet access — Broadband Internet access, often shortened to just broadband, is high speed Internet access typically contrasted with dial up access over a modem.Dial up modems are generally only capable of a maximum bitrate of 56 kbit/s (kilobits per second)… …   Wikipedia

  • Signal/One — was a manufacturer of high performance SSB and CW HF radio communications transceivers initially based in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. History The company started as a division of NCR in Florida. A key executive was Dick Ehrhorn, ham callsigns… …   Wikipedia

  • Broadband networks — The ideal telecommunication network would have the following characteristics: broadband, multi media , multi point , multi rate and economical implementation for a diversity of services (multi services) [#REF| [1] [#REF| [2] . The Broadband… …   Wikipedia

  • Broadband — The term broadband can have different meanings in different contexts. The term s meaning has undergone substantial shifts.In telecommunications Broadband in telecommunications refers to a signaling method that includes or handles a relatively… …   Wikipedia

  • broadband — adj. 1. pertaining to or being a type of high speed data transmission in which the bandwidth is shared by more than one simultaneous signal. n. 2. broadband transmission. * * * Term describing the radiation from a source that produces a broad,… …   Universalium

  • Broadband Global Area Network — A Broadband Global Area Network or BGAN for short, is a form of Satellite internet and telephony provided by INMARSAT. The system uses two geostationary satellites, with a third satellite expected to enter service later in 2008. The system will… …   Wikipedia

  • Broadband — Haut débit Récepteur satellite. Le terme de haut débit (ou large bande, par traduction littérale du terme anglais broadband) fait référence à des capacités d accès à Internet supérieures à celle de l accès analogique par modem (typiquement  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • broadband — broad•band [[t]ˈbrɔdˌbænd[/t]] adj. 1) tgp of, pertaining to, or responsive to a continuous, wide range of electromagnetic wave frequencies 2) tgp pertaining to or being a type of high speed data transmission in which the bandwidth is shared by… …   From formal English to slang

  • National broadband plans from around the world — Broadband is a term normally considered to be synonymous with a high speed connection to the internet. The term itself is technology neutral; broadband can be delived by a range of technologies including DSL, LTE or next generation access. This… …   Wikipedia

  • National Broadband Plan (United States) — Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan, unveiled March 16, 2010,[1] is a FCC (Federal Communications Commission) plan which deals with improving broadband Internet access throughout the United States. One goal was providing… …   Wikipedia

  • Wireless broadband — is a fairly new technology that provides high speed wireless internet and data network access over a wide area.The term broadbandAccording to the 802.16 2004 standard, broadband means having instantaneous bandwidth greater than around 1 MHz and… …   Wikipedia

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