- break system
драная система (в мукомольном производстве)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Break key — Break/Pause key on PC keyboard The origins of the break key on a computer keyboard go back to telegraph practices. A standard telegraph key has a built in knife switch that can be used to short the key s contacts. When the key was not in use,… … Wikipedia
Break.com — (formerly Big boys.com) is a humor website founded in 1998 that features comedy videos, flash games, and pictures among other material. The chief executive officer of Break is Keith Richman. The web site s target audience is men 18 35.cite news… … Wikipedia
System Shock 2 — Developer(s) Irrational Games Looking Glass Studios Publisher(s) Electronic Arts … Wikipedia
System request — (often abbreviated SysRq or Sys Req) is a key on keyboards for PCs that has no standard usecite web|title=What is the SysRq key for?|work=comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ|url=http://www.faqs.org/faqs/msdos programmer faq/part2/|accessdate=2008 01 08] … Wikipedia
System of Leibniz — The System of Leibniz † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The System of Leibniz I. LIFE OF LEIBNIZ Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was born at Leipzig on 21 June (1 July), 1646. In 1661 he entered the University of Leipzig as a student of… … Catholic encyclopedia
break in — vi: to enter something (as a building or computer system) without privilege (as consent) or by force Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. break in … Law dictionary
break into something — break into (something) 1. to begin suddenly to do something. Then he broke into a run and we just couldn t catch him. Onishi broke into sobs and covered his eyes with a handkerchief. 2. to enter a place by using force. His apartment has been… … New idioms dictionary
break into — (something) 1. to begin suddenly to do something. Then he broke into a run and we just couldn t catch him. Onishi broke into sobs and covered his eyes with a handkerchief. 2. to enter a place by using force. His apartment has been broken into… … New idioms dictionary
break|through — «BRAYK THROO», noun. 1. a military attack that gets through the enemy defensive system into the area in the rear. 2. an achievement or solution of some problem, often of a scientific or technical nature: »The development of the Salk vaccine… … Useful english dictionary
Electronic Break System — Das Elektronische Bremssystem (EBS) ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Druckluftbremsanlage. Durch die elektronischen Komponenten wird eine kürzere Ansprechzeit der Bremsen erreicht. Bei LKW ab 7,5 t zulässigem Gesamtgewicht und Kraftomnibussen kommt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Break-of-gauge — With railways, a break of gauge is where a line of one gauge meets a line of a different gauge. Trains and rolling stock cannot run through without some form of conversion between gauges, and freight and passengers must otherwise be transloaded.… … Wikipedia