bread grain

bread grain
продовольственное зерно

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bread grain" в других словарях:

  • BREAD — (Heb. לֶחֶם, leḥem), a baked commodity from a cereal flour. The primary sense of leḥem is food in general (Gen. 37:25; Num. 28:2; I Kings 5:2; etc.). The Ugaritic lḥm has the same general sense and the same particular sense, while the Arabic… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bread and circuses — (or Bread and games) (from Latin: panem et circenses ) is an ancient Roman metaphor for people choosing food and fun over freedom. It often appears in commentary that accuses people of giving up their civic duty and following whichever political… …   Wikipedia

  • bread|stuff — «BREHD STUHF», noun. 1. Also, breadstuffs. grain, flour, or meal for making bread. 2. = bread. (Cf. ↑bread) …   Useful english dictionary

  • bread-corn — breadˈ corn noun Grain of which bread is made • • • Main Entry: ↑bread …   Useful english dictionary

  • bread|bas|ket — «BREHD BAS kiht, BAHS », noun. 1. a basket or tray for holding or carrying bread. 2. Figurative. a region that is a chief source of grain: »... Alentejo, the rich breadbasket province of rolling wheat and cork groves (Atlantic). 3. Slang,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bread machine — A bread machine or breadmaker is a home appliance for baking bread. It consists of a bread pan with a paddle mounted in the center, in a small special purpose oven, with a control panel. While most bread machines have different cycles for… …   Wikipedia

  • bread — breadless, adj. breadlessness, n. /bred/, n. 1. a kind of food made of flour or meal that has been mixed with milk or water, made into a dough or batter, with or without yeast or other leavening agent, and baked. 2. food or sustenance; livelihood …   Universalium

  • Grain supply to the city of Rome — The megalopolis of ancient Rome could never be fed entirely from its own surrounding countryside, especially as this region was increasingly used to produce fruit, vegetables and other perishable goods, and also taken up with the villas and parks …   Wikipedia

  • bread — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. staff of life; white, rye, pumpernickel, sourdough, whole wheat, etc. bread; slang, money. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Grain product] Syn. loaf, baked goods, the staff of life. Types of bread include:… …   English dictionary for students

  • bread — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fresh ▪ hard, mouldy/moldy, soggy, stale ▪ This bread is going stale. ▪ crusty …   Collocations dictionary

  • Bread —    Among the Jews was generally made of wheat (Ex. 29:2; Judg. 6:19), though also sometimes of other grains (Gen. 14:18; Judg. 7:13). Parched grain was sometimes used for food without any other preparation (Ruth 2:14).    Bread was prepared by… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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