- brattice
1) вентиляционная перемычка (деревянная)2) вентиляционный парус
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
brattice — [brat′is] n. [ME bretice, bretasce < OFr bretesche, wooden tower < ML brittisca; prob. < OHG brittissa, lattice, balcony < bret, board] 1. Historical a temporary breastwork or parapet put up during a siege 2. Mining a partition of… … English World dictionary
Brattice — Brat tice, n. [See {Brettice}.] (Mining) (a) A wall of separation in a shaft or gallery used for ventilation. (b) Planking to support a roof or wall. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brattice — n. partition, especially in mine gallery to regulate ventilation or support sides or roof; v.t. erect brattice. ♦ brattice cloth, canvas sheet for regulating ventilation in mine … Dictionary of difficult words
brattice — noun Etymology: Middle English bretais parapet, from Anglo French bretesche, from Medieval Latin breteschia Date: circa 1846 an often temporary partition of planks or cloth used especially to control mine ventilation • brattice … New Collegiate Dictionary
Brattice — A brattice is a partition used in mining. It is built between columns of a sub surface mine to direct air for ventilation. Depending on the type of mine and how the operation is run, brattices can be permanent (concrete block, tailings, or wood)… … Wikipedia
brattice — /ˈbrætəs/ (say bratuhs) noun 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth to confine the air and force it into the working faces of a mine. –verb (t) (bratticed, bratticing) 2. to provide with a brattice; line with planks or cloth. {Middle… …
brattice-cloth — brattˈice cloth noun Strong tarred cloth used for mine brattices • • • Main Entry: ↑brattice … Useful english dictionary
brattice — /brat is/, n., v., bratticed, bratticing. n. 1. a partition or lining, as of planks or cloth, forming an air passage in a mine. 2. (in medieval architecture) any temporary wooden fortification, esp. at the top of a wall. [1300 50; ME brutaske,… … Universalium
brattice — noun A wooden partition in a coal mine … Wiktionary
Brattice — A defensive parapet or gallery built during a *siege; being temporary, it was made of wood. Among the Latin forms are bretesha and brutaschia. Cf. Bartizan … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
brattice — Cleveland Dialect List a wooden partition, serving e.g. to divide a closet or store room in two parts … English dialects glossary