- braking time
время торможения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
braking time — See active braking time … Dictionary of automotive terms
active braking time — The length of time (excluding the driver s reaction time) a vehicle takes to come to a complete stop after the brakes are applied … Dictionary of automotive terms
braking — The action of operating the devices for slowing the motion of a vehicle. Also see active braking time all out braking cadence braking diagonal split braking system dual circuit braking system dual line braking system dual braking system engine… … Dictionary of automotive terms
time — See active braking time break time cure time curing time elapsed time flash time glow time soaking time straight time … Dictionary of automotive terms
braking action advisories — When tower controllers have received runway braking action reports that include the terms poor or nil, or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or rapidly changing runway braking conditions, the tower will include on the ATIS … Aviation dictionary
braking distance — The distance traveled by a motor vehicle from the time that brake pressure is applied until the vehicle comes to a full stop. For a chart of braking distance in terms of percentages of braking efficiency with formulas and separate chart of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
braking distance — noun The distance travelled by a vehicle between the time that the brakes are applied and the vehicle coming to rest … Wiktionary
braking distance — Total distance required to stop a motor vehicle from time driver recognizes need to stop until vehicle is standing still. Factors which control are speed of vehicle, weather, road conditions, tires, condition of brakes, etc. Sometimes referred to … Black's law dictionary
braking distance — Total distance required to stop a motor vehicle from time driver recognizes need to stop until vehicle is standing still. Factors which control are speed of vehicle, weather, road conditions, tires, condition of brakes, etc. Sometimes referred to … Black's law dictionary
braking distance — A measurement of the distance that a vehicle will travel from the time the brakes are first applied to the actual moment it stops. Also see stopping distance … Dictionary of automotive terms
Left-foot braking — is the technique of using the left foot to operate the brake pedal in an automobile, leaving the right foot dedicated to the throttle pedal. [ [http://www.team oneil.com/press4.htm Team O Neil Rally School Car Control Center | Press ] ] It… … Wikipedia