- braking efficiency
эффективность торможения
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
braking efficiency — braking effort as a percentage of the weight of the vehicle … Dictionary of automotive terms
efficiency — [1] The accomplishment of something with the least amount of effort, energy, or fuel. [2] Output of a device, system, or activity, divided by the input necessary to create the output. In a compressor the efficiency would be the work output, as… … Dictionary of automotive terms
braking distance — The distance traveled by a motor vehicle from the time that brake pressure is applied until the vehicle comes to a full stop. For a chart of braking distance in terms of percentages of braking efficiency with formulas and separate chart of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Fuel efficiency in transportation — This page describes fuel efficiency in means of transportation. For the environmental impact assessment of a given product or service throughout its lifespan, see life cycle assessment. Caveats Comparing Fuel efficiency in transportation is a bit … Wikipedia
Fuel efficiency — is a form of thermal efficiency, meaning the efficiency of a process that converts chemical potential energy contained in a carrier fuel into kinetic energy or work. Overall fuel efficiency may vary per device, which in turn may vary per… … Wikipedia
gripping efficiency — The efficiency of brakes on a motor vehicle. See braking distance … Ballentine's law dictionary
Drum brake — A drum brake with the drum removed as used on the rear wheel of a car or truck. Note that in this installation, a cable operated parking brake uses the service shoes … Wikipedia
Bicycle brake — Animation of a single pivot side pull calliper brake for the rear wheel of a steel framed road bike. A bicycle brake is used to slow down or stop a bicycle. There have been various types of brake used throughout history, and several are still in… … Wikipedia
Bicycle brake systems — are used to slow down, or brake a bicycle. There have been various types through history, and several are still in use today.HistoryEarly bicycles such as the high wheeled penny farthing bikes were fitted with spoon brakes. As they were fixed… … Wikipedia
Fixed-gear bicycle — A fixed gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle, is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse thread lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from… … Wikipedia
Hydroplaning (tires) — Hydroplaning or aquaplaning by a road vehicle occurs when a layer of water builds between the rubber tires of the vehicle and the road surface, leading to the loss of traction and thus preventing the vehicle from responding to control inputs such … Wikipedia