- brake power cylinder
силовой тормозной цилиндр
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
cylinder — [1] The round chamber or hole in the cylinder block that houses the pistons and where combustion takes place. Also called bore or barrel. [2] Any tube like device. [3] A device which converts fluid power into linear mechanical force and motion.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
brake — [1] To slow down a vehicle. [2] The mechanism that converts motion (kinetic energy) into heat energy through friction. The most common instance is found in the wheels of cars where the brake shoes or disc pads are designed to press against the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Power steering — helps drivers steer vehicles by augmenting steering effort of the steering wheel. It does this by adding controlled energy to the steering mechanism, so the driver needs to provide only modest effort regardless of conditions. In particular, power … Wikipedia
Brake bleeding — is the procedure performed on hydraulic brake systems whereby the brake lines (the pipes and hoses containing the brake fluid) are purged of any air bubbles. This is necessary because, while the brake fluid is an incompressible liquid, air… … Wikipedia
Brake horse power — Horse power Horse pow er 1. The power which a horse exerts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
brake — 1. n. & v. n. 1 (often in pl.) a device for checking the motion of a mechanism, esp. a wheel or vehicle, or for keeping it at rest. 2 anything that has the effect of hindering or impeding (shortage of money was a brake on their enthusiasm). v. 1… … Useful english dictionary
brake mean effective pressure — A measure of mean effective pressure in a cylinder of a reciprocating engine. It is the average in excess of ambient pressure inside the cylinder during the power stroke. It is measured in pounds per square inch (psi), kilopascals (kPa), or bars… … Aviation dictionary
power brakes — (PB) A conventional hydraulic brake system that uses engine vacuum to operate a vacuum power piston, the power piston applies pressure to the brake pedal, or in some cases, directly to the master cylinder piston. This system reduces the amount of … Dictionary of automotive terms
power booster — A device that uses engine vacuum or hydraulic power to assist you in braking the vehicle. Helps the brake pedal to activate the hydraulic pistons in the master cylinder … Dictionary of automotive terms
Master cylinder — A master cylinder from a Geo Storm. The master cylinder is a control device that converts non hydraulic pressure (commonly from a driver s foot) into hydraulic pressure, in order to move other device(s) which are located at the other end of the… … Wikipedia
Railway brake — A traditional clasp brake: the brake shoe (brown) bears on the surface (tyre) of the wheel (red), and is operated by the levers (grey) on the left … Wikipedia