brake lever
Смотреть что такое "brake lever" в других словарях:
brake lever — [1] A blade attached to the right side of a motorcycle handlebar which usually activates the front brake. [2] A device for activating the park brake. [3] A curved blade found on either side of a bicycle handlebar which activates the front or rear … Dictionary of automotive terms
brake lever strut — See parking brake lever strut … Dictionary of automotive terms
shifter/brake lever — Shifter and brake lever are a single unit. Shimano units are available in this layout, or with the shifter and brake lever as separate units … Dictionary of automotive terms
shifter-brake lever — Shifter and brake lever are a single unit. Shimano calls them STI and Campagnolo calls them Ergo Power … Dictionary of automotive terms
shifters/brake lever combo — Referred to by Shimano as STI and Campagnolo as Ergo Power. Shifter/Brake Lever combos allow for shifting gears without removing your hands from the handlebars … Dictionary of automotive terms
parking brake lever — [1] A lever inside the drum brake which spreads the brake shoes outward; the long end is connected to the parking brake cable, the opposite end to one brake shoe and to a push bar which acts on the other shoe. [2] A lever inside the passenger… … Dictionary of automotive terms
parking brake lever strut — A push bar between the shoes in a drum brake … Dictionary of automotive terms
lever — A simple machine comprising an arm and a pivot. Also see actuating lever brake lever clutch lever clutch release lever gear lever gearshift left hand gear lever parking brake lever strut parking brake lev … Dictionary of automotive terms
brake — [1] To slow down a vehicle. [2] The mechanism that converts motion (kinetic energy) into heat energy through friction. The most common instance is found in the wheels of cars where the brake shoes or disc pads are designed to press against the… … Dictionary of automotive terms
brake control valve — A valve in the aircraft brake system that controls the amount of hydraulic pressure applied to wheel brakes. The pressure is applied to the brakes whenever either the brake pedals are depressed or a hand brake lever is pulled. The brake control… … Aviation dictionary
brake piston — On a motorcycle, pressure from the brake lever (when squeezed) forces the brake fluid to flow from the master cylinder down through the brake line and into the caliper. The pressure of the brake fluid causes the piston to push the brake pad to… … Dictionary of automotive terms