
1) тормоз, тормозное устройство; мн. ч. тормозная система || тормозить
2) тестовальцовочная машина, тесто-вальцовка
3) вальцевание (теста)
4) тяжёлая борона
5) мялка для лубяных культур || мять, трепать (лубяные культуры)
adjustment-free brake
aerodynamic brake
air-actuated brake
air-cooled brake
aircraft brake
air-over-oil actuated brake
arm brake
articulated shoe brake
automatic vacuum brake
automotive brake
auxiliary brake
axle-mounted disk brake
band brake
belt brake
block brake
boosted brake
cable brakes
calliper brake
calliper disk brake
calliper-type disk brake
cam-actuated brake
cam brake
cam-operated brake
cam-operating brake
centrifugal brake
clasp brake
clip brake
clutch brake
clutch-type disk brake
compressed-air brake
cone brake
constantly pumped cooled oil brake
contracting brake
deadweight brake
differential band brake
differential brake
direct-acting brake
direct-release brake
disk brake
drive line parking brake
drum brake
dry-type band brake
dual primary brake
duo-servo brake
dynamometer brake
eddy current brake
eddy-current rail brake
electromagnetic brake
electromagnetic track brake
electromechanical brake
electronic-controlled brake
electro-pneumatic brake
emergency brake
engine exhaust brake
exhaust brake
expander tube brake
expansion-type brake
external brake
external expanding drum brake
fade-resistant brake
final rail brake
fixed calliper disk brake
fixing brake
floating calliper disk brake
fluid brake
foot brake
four piston calliper disk brake
friction brake
front wheel brake
full energizing brake
gripper brake
guide brake
hand brake
heavy duty brake
high-speed brake
hoisting gear brake
hump rail brake
hydraulic boost brake
hydraulic brake
hydrokinetic brake
hydromatic brake
hydromechanical brakes
hydrostatic brake
inner brake
internal expanding drum brake
internal shoe brake
leading-trailing shoe brake
lever brake
lever-type self-adjusting brake
liquid-cooled disk brake
lubricated brake
magnetic brake
magnetic-rail brake
main brake
main rotor brake
manual shift clutch brake
mechanical brake
multidisk brake
multishoe brake
nitrogen pressurized service brake
ordinary brake
overrunning brake
parking brake
pedal brake
pivoted shoe brake
plate brake
pneumatic brake
power brake
press brake
pressure brake
prop shaft brake
quick-acting brake
radar brakes
rail brake
railroad brake
rear wheel brake
reel surface brake
regenerative brake
reversible band brake
rheostatic brake
rim brake
rope brake
rudder brake
safety brake
screw brake
self-adjusting brake
self-energizing parking brake
semienergizing brake
service brake
servo brake
servo-actuated brake
shoe brake
shooting brake
single-block brake
single-piston disk brake
single-side swinging calliper brake
skate brake
slewing gear brake
sliding calliper brake
sliding cylinder brake
solenoid brake
speed brake
spot-type disk brake
spring-applied brake
spring brake
steering brake
strap brake
supplementary brake
swinging calliper brake
thrust brake
track brake
transmission parking brake
tread brake
twin-disk brake
two-leading shoe brake
two-shoe drum brake
two-trailing shoe brake
vacuum brakes
vacuum release parking brake
ventilated disk brake
water cooled brake
wedge brake
wedge-actuated brake
wedge-type shoe brake
Westinghause brake

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "brake" в других словарях:

  • Brake — (br[=a]k), n. [OE. brake; cf. LG. brake an instrument for breaking flax, G. breche, fr. the root of E. break. See Break, v. t., and cf. {Breach}.] 1. An instrument or machine to break or bruise the woody part of flax or hemp so that it may be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Brake — ist der Name folgender Orte, Seen und Schlösser in Deutschland: Auf der Brake, Hofschaft in Halver, Nordrhein Westfalen Brake bei Sulingen, Ortsteil der Gemeinde Mellinghausen im Landkreis Diepholz, Niedersachsen Brake (Bielefeld), Stadtteil der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Brake — (France) Création 1992 Forme juridique société par actions simplifiée Siège social …   Wikipédia en Français

  • brake — brake1 [brāk] n. [ME; prob. taken as sing. of BRACKEN] any of a genus (Pteris) of coarse tropical ferns (family Polypodiaceae) used commonly as a houseplant: see BRACKEN brake2 [brāk] n. [ME < MLowG brake or ODu braeke, flax brake < breken …   English World dictionary

  • Brake — Brake, n. [OE. brake fern; cf. AS. bracce fern, LG. brake willow bush, Da. bregne fern, G. brach fallow; prob. orig. the growth on rough, broken ground, fr. the root of E. break. See {Break}, v. t., cf. {Bracken}, and 2d {Brake}, n.] [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brake — brake; brake·less; brake·man; cane·brake; para·brake; bar·ley·brake; …   English syllables

  • Brake — (br[=a]k), imp. of {Break}. [Arhaic] Tennyson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brake — [n] stopping device; check anchor, binders, cinchers, constraint, control, curb, damper, deterrent, discouragement, hamper, hindrance, hurdle, obstacle, rein, restraint, retarding device; concepts 130,463 Ant. accelerator brake [v] check; stop… …   New thesaurus

  • brake — ► NOUN ▪ a device for slowing or stopping a moving vehicle. ► VERB ▪ slow or stop a vehicle with a brake. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • Brake — Brake. См. Бракета. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Brake [1] — Brake, die Beschauung der zur Ausfuhr bestimmten Waaren, s.u. Schauanstalten …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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