brace bit

brace bit
1) сверло коловорота
2) бурав; перка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "brace bit" в других словарях:

  • brace bit — noun : a bit for use in a brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • brace and bit — n. a tool for boring, consisting of a removable drill (bit) in a rotating handle ( brace): see DRILL1 * * * ▪ hand tool   hand operated tool for boring holes in wood, consisting of a crank shaped turning device, the brace, that grips and rotates… …   Universalium

  • brace — ► NOUN 1) (braces) Brit. a pair of straps passing over the shoulders and fastening to the top of trousers to hold them up. 2) a strengthening or supporting piece or part. 3) a wire device fitted in the mouth to straighten the teeth. 4) (also… …   English terms dictionary

  • brace-and-bit — brace and bitˈ noun A brace with the drilling bit in place • • • Main Entry: ↑brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • brace and bit — n. a tool for boring, consisting of a removable drill (bit) in a rotating handle ( brace): see DRILL1 …   English World dictionary

  • brace — brace1 [brās] vt. braced, bracing [ME bracen < OFr bracer, to brace, embrace < L brachia, pl. of brachium, an arm < Gr brachiōn, arm, upper arm < brachys, short (in contrast to the longer lower arm): see MERRY] 1. to tie or bind on… …   English World dictionary

  • bit — bit1 [bit] n. [ME < OE bite, a bite < bītan, BITE] 1. the part of a bridle that goes into a horse s mouth, used to control the horse: see BRIDLE 2. anything that curbs or controls 3. the part of a pipestem held in the mouth: see PIPE 4. th …   English World dictionary

  • Bit — Bit, n. [OE. bite, AS. bita, fr. b[=i]tan to bite; akin to D. beet, G. bissen bit, morsel, Icel. biti. See {Bite}, v., and cf. {Bit} part of a bridle.] 1. A part of anything, such as may be bitten off or taken into the mouth; a morsel; a bite.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bit|brace — «BIHT BRAYS», noun. = bitstock. (Cf. ↑bitstock) …   Useful english dictionary

  • bit|stock — «BIHT STOK», noun. the handle for holding and turning a bit in drilling or boring holes; a brace …   Useful english dictionary

  • Brace (tool) — A brace or brace and bit is a hand tool used to drill holes, usually in wood. Pressure is applied to the top and the tool is rotated with a U shaped grip.The U shaped part is a kind of crankshaft. It gives the brace much greater torque than other …   Wikipedia

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