- Zulu time
всемирное [гринвичское среднее\] время
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
zulu time — noun (telecommunications) Greenwich Mean Time • • • Main Entry: ↑Zulu … Useful english dictionary
Zulu time — The time in time zone Z, or Zulu. It is the same as Greenwich time. This time is suffixed with the symbol Z, as in 1530Z. The local time is obtained by adding or subtracting the value of the zone in which the time is being measured. Zulu time is… … Aviation dictionary
zulu time — Z laikas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Grinvičo laikas. atitikmenys: angl. zulu time pranc. heure zulu ryšiai: sinonimas – Zulu laikas … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Zulu Time — Western European Time Fuseau horaire en Europe: bleu WET UTC+0 WEST … Wikipédia en Français
zulu time — /ˈzulu taɪm/ (say zoohlooh tuym) noun Aeronautics Colloquial, Military → Greenwich Mean Time. {from the radio code word zulu for the letter z, standing for zone time } …
Zulu Time — Die koordinierte Weltzeit (UTC, Coordinated Universal Time[1]) ist die aktuelle Weltzeit. Sie hat in dieser Funktion die Mittlere Greenwichzeit (Greenwich Mean Time – GMT) bereits 1926 abgelöst. Sie ist eine Kombination aus der internationalen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Zulu time — n. universal time, Greenwich Mean Time, Coordinated Universal Time … English contemporary dictionary
ZULU time — See Universal Time … Military dictionary
Zulu time — noun Coordinated Universal Time … Wiktionary
ZULU time — noun See Universal Time … Wiktionary
Zulu (disambiguation) — The Zulu or amaZulu are an ethnic group of southern Africa. Zulu can also be: * Zulu language, a Bantu language of Southern Africa * Zulu, code for the letter Z in the NATO phonetic alphabet * Zulu time, Coordinated Universal… … Wikipedia