- zone grating
зонная сетка (в интерференционных методах)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Zone plate — A zone plate is a device used to focus light. Unlike lenses however, zone plates use diffraction instead of refraction. Created by Augustin Jean Fresnel [freɪ nel] , they are sometimes called Fresnel zone plates in his honor. The zone plate s… … Wikipedia
Diffraction grating — A very large reflecting diffraction grating. In optics, a diffraction grating is an optical component with a periodic structure, which splits and diffracts light into several beams travelling in different directions. The directions of these beams … Wikipedia
strip grating — juostinė gardelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. strip grating vok. Streifengitter, n rus. зонная решётка, f pranc. réseau zoné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
réseau zoné — juostinė gardelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. strip grating vok. Streifengitter, n rus. зонная решётка, f pranc. réseau zoné, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
optics — /op tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physical science that deals with the properties and phenomena of both visible and invisible light and with vision. [1605 15; < ML optica < Gk optiká, n. use of neut. pl. of OPTIKÓS; see OPTIC,… … Universalium
Diffraction — Computer generated intensity pattern formed on a screen by diffraction from a square aperture … Wikipedia
eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit The eye is protected from mechanical injury… … Universalium
colour — /kul euhr/, n., adj. v.t., v.i. Chiefly Brit. color. Usage. See or1. * * * I Aspect of any object that may be described in terms of hue, brightness, and saturation. It is associated with the visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which … Universalium
lepidopteran — /lep i dop teuhr euhn/, adj. 1. lepidopterous. n. 2. a lepidopterous insect. [1850 55; LEPIDOPTER(A) + AN] * * * Any of the more than 100,000 species constituting the order Lepidoptera (Greek: scaly wing ): butterflies, moths, and skippers. The… … Universalium
List of NFL nicknames — The following are nicknames throughout the history of the NFL. Contents 1 Teams 2 Players 3 Places 4 Fans 5 … Wikipedia
Incineration — For other forms of waste plant that produces energy, see waste to energy. Incinerator redirects here. For the fictional character, see Incinerator (Transformers). Incinerate redirects here. For the Sonic Youth song, see Incinerate (song). For the … Wikipedia