Смотреть что такое "zeolite" в других словарях:
Zeolite — e o*lite, n. [Gr. ? to boil + lite: cf. F. z[ e]olithe.] (Min.) A term now used to designate any one of a family of minerals, hydrous silicates of alumina, with lime, soda, potash, or rarely baryta. Here are included natrolite, stilbite,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
zeolite — [zē′ə līt΄] n. [Swed zeolit < Gr zein, to boil (see YEAST): from its swelling up when heated] 1. any of a large group of natural hydrous aluminum silicates of sodium, calcium, potassium, barium, etc., chiefly found in cavities in igneous rocks … English World dictionary
Zeolite — Zeolites (Greek, zein , to boil ; lithos , a stone ) are hydrated aluminosilicate minerals and have a micro porous structure. The term was originally coined in the 18th century by a Swedish mineralogist named Axel Fredrik Cronstedt who observed,… … Wikipedia
zéolite — zéolithe ou zéolite [ zeɔlit ] n. f. • 1783, 1756; du gr. zeô, zein « bouillonner » et lithe ♦ Minér. Silicate naturel hydraté dont les gisements se rencontrent surtout dans les cavités des laves basiques. Zéolithes artificielles. ● zéolite ou… … Encyclopédie Universelle
zeolite — zeolitic /zee euh lit ik/, adj. /zee euh luyt /, n. Mineral. any of a group of hydrated silicates of aluminum with alkali metals, commonly occurring as secondary minerals in cavities in basic volcanic rocks: used for their molecular sieve… … Universalium
Zeolite — Zéolithe Zéolithe … Wikipédia en Français
Zéolite — Zéolithe Zéolithe … Wikipédia en Français
zeolite — Any of a large family of crystalline metal oxide materials characterized by the presence of extensive regular interconnected pore systems. Most are based on mixtures of aluminum and silicon oxides, while others have phosphorous and other elements … Petroleum refining glossary
Zeolite facies — describes the mineral assemblage resulting from the pressure and temperature conditions of low grade metamorphism. The zeolite facies is generally considered to be transitional between diagenetic processes which turn sediments into sedimentary… … Wikipedia
zeolite molecular sieves — are crystalline, highly porous materials, which belong to the class of alumino silicates. These crystals are characterized by a three dimensional pore system, with pores of precisely defined diameter. This diameter is in the dimension of the size … Petroleum refining glossary
zeolite process — noun A water softening process using zeolites (formerly zeolites occurring naturally, now synthetic ones) • • • Main Entry: ↑zeolite … Useful english dictionary