yoke assembly
Смотреть что такое "yoke assembly" в других словарях:
yoke — [yōk] n. pl. yokes or yoke [ME yok < OE geoc, akin to Ger joch < IE * yugo (> Sans yuga, L jungere, jugum, Gr zeugma, Welsh iau, OSlav igo) < base * yeu , to join] 1. a wooden frame or bar with loops or bows at either end, fitted… … English World dictionary
yoke — yoke1 yokeless, adj. /yohk/, n., pl. yokes for 1, 3 20, yoke for 2; v., yoked, yoking. n. 1. a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, esp. oxen, usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bow shaped pieces, each enclosing the head… … Universalium
yoke — [[t]yoʊk[/t]] n. pl. yokes, yoke 1) a device for joining together a pair of draft animals, esp. oxen, usu. consisting of a crosspiece with two bow shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal Compare harness 1) 2) a pair of draft animals… … From formal English to slang
Cheong Yoke Choy — Cheong Yoke Choy, JP, OBE (Chinese: 張郁才, was born in Xinhui, China, on the 22nd of the sixth lunar month in 1873 and died 26 May 1958. He was a famous philanthropist during the British Malaya era. He was well respected, much loved, and… … Wikipedia
National Assembly of Bulgaria — Народно събрание Type Type … Wikipedia
deflection yoke — Electronics. an assembly of one or more coils through which a controlled current is passed to produce a magnetic field for deflecting a beam of electrons, as in a picture tube. Also called yoke. * * * … Universalium
deflection yoke — Electronics. an assembly of one or more coils through which a controlled current is passed to produce a magnetic field for deflecting a beam of electrons, as in a picture tube. Also called yoke … Useful english dictionary
military technology — Introduction range of weapons, equipment, structures, and vehicles used specifically for the purpose of fighting. It includes the knowledge required to construct such technology, to employ it in combat, and to repair and replenish it.… … Universalium
Cathode ray tube — Cutaway rendering of a color CRT: 1. Three Electron guns (for red, green, and blue phosphor dots) 2. Electron beams 3. Focusing coils 4. Deflection coils 5. Anode connection 6. Mask for separating beams for red,… … Wikipedia
Nitrous oxide — N2O redirects here. For other uses, see N2O (disambiguation). Laughing gas redirects here. For other uses, see Laughing gas (disambiguation). Not to be confused with nitric oxide (formula NO) or nitrogen dioxide (formula NO2). For other uses, see … Wikipedia
верхняя траверса — (на компенсаторе бурильной колонны) [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN upper yoke assembly … Справочник технического переводчика