- wrench jaws
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Wrench — (r[e^]nch), n. [OE. wrench deceit, AS. wrenc deceit, a twisting; akin to G. rank intrigue, crookedness, renken to bend, twist, and E. wring. [root]144. See {Wring}, and cf. {Ranch}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Trick; deceit; fraud; stratagem. [Obs.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wrench hammer — Wrench Wrench (r[e^]nch), n. [OE. wrench deceit, AS. wrenc deceit, a twisting; akin to G. rank intrigue, crookedness, renken to bend, twist, and E. wring. [root]144. See {Wring}, and cf. {Ranch}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Trick; deceit; fraud;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
jaws — the grasping or destructive power of something: → jaw jaws the grasping, biting, or crushing mouthparts of an invertebrate. → jaw jaws the gripping parts of a wrench, vice, etc. → jaw … English new terms dictionary
Wrench — For other uses, see Wrench (disambiguation). A set of chrome vanadium metric wrenches, open at one end, box/ring at the other. This type is commonly known as a combination wrench. A wrench or spanner is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical… … Wikipedia
wrench — wrencher, n. wrenchingly, adv. /rench/, v.t. 1. to twist suddenly and forcibly; pull, jerk, or force by a violent twist: He wrenched the prisoner s wrist. 2. to overstrain or injure (the ankle, knee, etc.) by a sudden, violent twist: When she… … Universalium
wrench — {{11}}wrench (n.) O.E. wrenc a twisting, artifice, trick; see WRENCH (Cf. wrench) (v.). The meaning tool with jaws for turning is first recorded 1794. {{12}}wrench (v.) O.E. wrencan to twist, from P.Gmc. *wrankijanan (Cf. O.H.G. renken, Ger.… … Etymology dictionary
wrench — [[t]rɛntʃ[/t]] v. t. 1) to twist suddenly and forcibly; pull, jerk, or force by a violent twist 2) to overstrain or injure (the ankle, knee, etc.) by a sudden, violent twist 3) to affect distressingly as if by a wrench 4) to wrest, as from the… … From formal English to slang
jaws — noun a) plural of jaw Open the jaws of the wrench and wide as possible. b) the mouth The red wobbled in the jaws of the pocket, but didnt go down … Wiktionary
wrench — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. twist, wring; yank, pull; extort, wrest, snatch; sprain, strain, dislocate; distort. n. monkey wrench, spanner; twist, yank, etc. See extraction, disjunction, retention. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A… … English dictionary for students
wrench head — noun : a head for a bolt or screw shaped (as square or hexagonal) so as to be readily gripped between the jaws of a wrench … Useful english dictionary
Carriage wrench — Wrench Wrench (r[e^]nch), n. [OE. wrench deceit, AS. wrenc deceit, a twisting; akin to G. rank intrigue, crookedness, renken to bend, twist, and E. wring. [root]144. See {Wring}, and cf. {Ranch}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. Trick; deceit; fraud;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English