- worst-case situation
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Worst-case situation — Нештатная ситуация … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Worst-case scenario — is a situation where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong.It is also used to refer to:* Worst Case Scenarios (TV series), a reality show aired on TBS in 2002 in the U.S. * Worst Case Scenario , 1994 album by dEUS * , episode of Star Trek:… … Wikipedia
worst-case — worst ,case adjective worst case scenario a situation that is the worst one you can imagine … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
worst-case scenario — phrase a situation that is the worst one that you can imagine Thesaurus: difficult situations and experiencessynonym Main entry: worst case … Useful english dictionary
Worst Case — 〈[wœ:st kɛıs] m.; Gen.: s; Pl.: unz.〉 die am wenigsten erwünschte, schlimmste Entwicklung, die denkbar schlechteste Lage, Situation [Etym.: <engl. worst »schlimmste(r, s)« + case »Lage, Fall«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
worst-case — [wʉrst′kās′] adj. that is, or takes into account, the worst possible case, condition, situation, etc … English World dictionary
worst-case — ¦ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : involving, projecting, or providing for the worst possible circumstances or the worst outcome of a given situation a worst case scenario * * * /werrst kays /, adj. of the worst possibility; being the worst result that… … Useful english dictionary
Worst-Case Scenario series — The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook (ISBN 0 8118 2555 8) by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht is a book published in 1999 by Chronicle Books. It was a highly popular title and spawned an entire series of related books, games, and a… … Wikipedia
Worst Case — ungünstigster Fall; schlechtester Fall * * * Worst Case 〈[wœ:st kɛıs] m.; s; unz.〉 die am wenigsten erwünschte, schlimmste Entwicklung, die denkbar schlechteste Lage, Situation [<engl. worst „schlimmste(r, s)“ + case „Lage, Fall“] * * * Worst… … Universal-Lexikon
worst-case — adjective Date: 1964 involving, projecting, or providing for the worst possible circumstances or outcome of a given situation < a worst case scenario > … New Collegiate Dictionary
worst case scenario — noun Any situation or conclusion which could not be any worse; the worst possible outcome. See Also: worst case … Wiktionary